Advice please

  • 4 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Hi, I am so sorry to ask you guys, but I am so confused and scared and not sure I am being told the truth, completely. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer around Christmas time, it feels like the depths of it are hidden, to protect us fir sure. But i am struggling to understand, the bits of information I get. From what I have gathered its grade 3, stage 4 spread to the bones, can anyone please help me understand what this may mean? He has been put on chemo medication in tablet form, I am not sure what that may mean either, sorry,  thank you for any advice anyone can offer x

  • Hi Red 

    Sorry to hear about your dad.

    Once it has spread to the bones it does make it more tricky but all is not lost.

    In this situation it is normal to give hormone therapy and chemo. Is he just having chemo or HT as well.

    My knowledge on the different kinds of HT and chemo is not as good as some on here so I hope others post to help you.

    The other thing worth looking at are clinical trials as there are often new treatments happening especially for the more advanced cancers.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for much for taking the time to reply x

  • Hello Red

    im sorry to hear your Dad’s diagnosis. When we are given such news it’s very hard to take it all in. I am wondering if your father has been so shocked, confused or distressed that he’s not been able to understand everything going on for himself right now?  Does he go to his medical appointments on his own or does he take someone with him to support, note down what he has been told and ask questions?  If not, that might be a starting point for getting greater clarity for him, yourself and any other close family members if he wishes?

    you also say he is probably trying to protect you. This is what is well embedded in every parent and quite a natural response. I am always mindful, though, that , although a cancer diagnosis was always kept ‘hush hush ‘ years ago, your dad might think he’s protecting you but, in fact , worrying about the unknowns can be more frightening. We are, though, all different! Whereas my husband and I have kept our adult children fully informed, your Dad might want to keep the private details just that - private. That’s harder for you but it is his decision, I’m afraid.

    Finally Prostate Cancer Uk - - provide lots of information across many online leaflets which will inform you about your Dads illness, potential treatments etc.  

    I know you will be feeling very worried but there are a few things to hang on to. Prostate cancer is most often slow growing and there are lots of different treatments and drugs out there with more coming out regularly.  I do wish your father all the very best on this journey and I hope you can get the greater clarity about his case that you need.

    best wishes!

  • Hi Red27

    Does your dad have any other complications eg diabetes etc ? if you want to look at my profile, it will tell you how my treatment affected me, although I kicked off with chemotherapy docetaxel.

    Stay safe
