Testosterone Replacement Therapy post Zoladex

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  • 111 subscribers


Following diagnosis of PCa late 2021, I have been receiving Zoladex implants which have had the expected side-effects.

Initially ED close to a year ago, which I reported to my GP & was prescribed Viagra - which worked at the time, but increasingly complete loss of libido & the Viagra became completely ineffective.

My first checkup I received the all clear for PCa & have my next meeting with my consultant in a months time, coinciding with the end of the original 18months Zoladex treatment, so I am hoping to be told I no longer need implants.

Having read the information sheets about Zoladex, I understand that recovery from the loss of libido & ED can be slow & possibly no recovery. Prior to the PCa diagnosis, my partner & I had a very healthy sex life & despite it "not being everything", it was an important part of our lives & I am (we are) increasingly worried it may now be over.

I did wonder whether Testosterone Replacement Therapy was a suitable option to improve my chances - does anybody have any information/experience of this?

  • I was on Testogel for many years before developing prostate cancer and there may be a direct link- google this. As Zoladex is used to remove testosterone it may not be a good idea to reintroduce it using Testogel for ED issues.