Going crazy with waiting!

  • 28 replies
  • 115 subscribers

It’ll be 3 weeks tomorrow since my biopsy. Still no idea when I’ll get the results!! I think I might go mad, every ache and twinge gets blown out of all proportion and swamped in gloomy thoughts!
I am alright most of the time but I just need to know what I’m facing!

Sorry for the rant, I’m also away from home this week which is adding to the stress! 

  • Sorry to hear this, Daniel.  We rang the prostate cancer nurse specialist team and got the result very quickly. It’s all the hanging about and waiting that I found so very very difficult. I hope you hear soon and I hope it’s good news!

  • Hi Daniel - rant away - it's fine.  Waiting for appointments and test results is definitely the worse bit and you're right, your mind can take you to some dark places.  Try contacting the Urology department at the hospital and see if they can at least give you a timeline. Hopefully your result will come back and all will be good. If the result isnt what you hope for then you have a ready made group here that can provide information and support.  Hopefully you won't need u.  Take care. Andy

  • Thank you for your kind words. 
    Hope things are working out for you and your husband. 
    Very best wishes. 

  • Thanks Andy. I’ve tried an email but haven’t had a response as yet. 
    Good news for others on this forum has lifted my spirits hugely. 
    I looked at your profile, I’m a couple of years older than you, thinking surgery if it’s an option. 
    Hope your treatment continues to go well. 
    Very best wishes 


  • Hi Daniel, my experience is that the hospitals do not ‘do’ email!  I think it’s something to do with patient confidentiality but I’m not sure.

  • Keep us posted Daniel. Its always good to celebrate good news.  

  • Hi Daniel

    Feeling your pain the waiting is definitely the worst part. It’s good that you have already had your bone scan and that  it’s clear. My husbands stats are similar to yours. Once he has the bone scan at the end of this month he will be starting hormone therapy. Everything moves quite fast once you have the results. I hope you don’t have much longer to wait. 

    Best wishes Robina 

  • Thanks Robina. 
    Wishing you both the very best with the hormone treatment. 


  • Telephone the hospital and ask.  I always do after I have waited 2 weeks.  Sometimes things go astray or missed so it's always best to check with them to find out exactly what stage your results are at.

  • I finally got through to hospital today. Biopsy results are simply not back from the lab. Currently it can be up to 4 weeks! 
    Consultant is going to chase things up.

    I’m keeping really busy to try and banish all the dark thoughts that keep coming into my head! 

    I think I’ll have gone totally bonkers by the time I get results!