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  • 109 subscribers

Like others, here's a group I didn't think I'd ever need to join ... at least not for a good few years.

I'm 64 and had a 5 for my PiRADs MRI scan and a Gleason of 8 (4+4). Not sure about my T score ... but I think it's probably T2 or T3 (no signs of spread outside the Prostate so far).

I'm in for a bone scan tomorrow.

Also waiting for the MDT to decide my treatment pathway. Looking like prostatectomy or radiotherapy. I'm already taking hormone suppressants. 

I do have a question ... given the above two options, what would people say are the pros and cons of each?

Having had a Bladder Neck Incision several years ago it sounds like they are worried about urine leakage. Great Unamused


  • Hi HP and welcome

    In answer to your question.

    Surgery, ED and urinary issues more likely than with RT, having said that not everyone will have issues and some of these issues can dissipate over time.

    RT, obviously no major surgery and any side effects should be short term although if u are on HT as well issues could last longer 

    One downside of RT is that if cancer returns surgery can be very difficult if not impossible later.

    Wheras with surgery first RT is always an option later if needed.

    Having said that I had RT.

    Do research it and see what others say.

    I have seen someone posting on here today , very happy with his surgery.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks. That does help. Good to know I’m not alone on this journey. Thumbsup

  • By the time I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 72 going on 73, PSA 13,  Gleason 7 (3+4) Staging  T2 or 3 N0M0.  I had already had a TURP about 12 years previously as prostate swollen it was difficult passing urine which was causing problems as I already had an overactive bladder - which has not changed (no cancer found at biopsy of material removed at that time) and I had had bowel/rectum surgery about 8 years prior after an infection and resulting fissure.  Therefore I was concerned that any treatments would cause even more problems.  At first I had been given a choice between prostate removal and Hormone Therapy (HT) followed by Radiotherapy (RT)  I was given an MRI about a month after the prostate biopsy - absolutely should be done the other way around.  At the MRI it could be seen that the tumour in the prostate was resting and pushing out at the back into the rectum and the urologist would and could not determine whether or not any cancer cells had moved into the immediate local area - these, if really minute would not have been seen in a PET Scan so my T score was upped to T3 and at that point he said it would be better for me to have HT and RT as that would treat the whole area and mop up any tiny escapee cancer cells whereas if I was to have the prostate removed any of these escapee cancer cells  could be left resulting in RT later which could be more likely to cause collateral damage to bowel and bladder. 

    To enable more efficient targeting of the tumour during radiotherapy I had fiducial markers (3 gold seeds about the size of a small grain of rice)  inserted around the tumour about 2 weeks before radiotherapy began.  It was hoped this would ensure little collateral damage from the RT.  I consider myself lucky in that there seems to have been no collateral damage or problems caused during the one month of RT comparing myself to others in the waiting room who at about the half way point had varying problems with bowel and bladder.  I had one night where I don't think I got any sleep as I must have urinated about 30 times and no problems at all with rectum, bowel or bowel movements.  That was nearly 7 years ago now and thankfully if any teeny cancer cells had managed to escape then they were "mopped" up by the radiotherapy as my PSA has continued to be undetectable ever since.  I had 9 months of HT and one month of RT and, as stated by my urologist at the outset am, as far as can possibly be seen "cured" but of course every annual PSA test still causes a little concern - and more like worry to my wife.  There is also a product called "Space Oar" which can be placed around the prostate to avoid as much collateral damage to other areas from RT  but I have to say I do not know much about  that.  By about 9 months after RT any ED problems caused by either the HT or RT started to clear and by my 2nd check with my Rad. Onc. consultant I actually told him this worried me as I was concerned that testosterone had returned too soon and could result in future cancer - I think he tried his best not to laugh. ;) and congratulated me.

    All the best.