Peeing like a 10 year old

  • 6 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Pointing Percy at the porcelain but peeing all over the mat and the bowl. What's going on?

  • Hi snapper49,

    I know what you mean, been there done that as they say. Believe it or not I started sitting down to pee a couple of years ago and I`m not embarrassed to admit it. You are in the toilet yourself anyway unless you are out socializing and in that situation just use a cubicle & nobody knows. If you don`t empty yourself fully it could lead to a small wet patch on your trousers (nightmare scenario) but if you sit down........sorted!!

    Hope that might help you.

    Take care, Tom.

  • Snapper, Harley D,

    After my Radiation treatment ended I couldn't stand up for a Pee.  It took about 3 months or so before I had the courage to stand up and Pee.  I was so proud that day.

    I still can't stand and Pee if there is anyone else in the toilet.  It's the size thing.  Embarrassed, don't want anyone to say anything.

    ...In time though..

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • It’s a horrible feeling, Snapper, and it feels like the last straw when it first happens. I got used to the shrinkage and the resultant changes within a few days. I think you may just adapt and become more cautious without really thinking about it.

    Take care.

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply Tom

  • Thanks Steve. Exactly my situation. Thanks for your support

  • Thanks Frederico. We'll all get through it somehow