Prostate cancer

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Oh goodness poor you and what a sorry state the business is in.  You seriously need to take care. Just because you are in remission, it will take some time I am sure to regain your health fully. Good of you to volunteer, but don't do it at the cost of your health. 

Glad your ears are being unbunged! It is horrible when you can't hear properly. I was scuba diving a few years back and to trauma to my ear and was quite deaf for about 4 months.  It is horrid cos you can't always hear when people call you names Grinning.


  • So do you really care if you can't hear anyone calling you names?

    You would have laughed at me this morning walking to work.  I could hear the dawn chorus but the birds mustn't have realised I could hear.  They were shouting not singing!

    Me and my back, when I was walking past the old folks home, there were old ladies coming out with their walking sticks, offering to help me across the road.

    I can just picture you Scuba diving, no I can't really!  I have done it once, think it was on one of the Greek islands.  It's quite good.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Painful, did your ears not equalise the pressure 

  • Don't think I could last 4 months.  Well I suppose if I had to...

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Well hopefully, they would only be nice names Laughing.

    Ha ha re the birds and as for the old folks home, hysterical!!

    I did my Padi at dive centre near Peterborough and my daughter did hers in London. We then went to Sharm El Sheik to do our Open water part.  I found it far too hard as I am only 5ft 1" and hauling round those large tanks down to the beach and off a floating pontoon knackered me.  Once in the water, I kept getting nose bleeds, not fun in a mask, and also kept floating to the surface as my weights didn't seem to be holding me down. I hated the bit where you have to take your mask on and off as my hair kept getting in the way. However, the actually diving, once the tests were over I thoroughly enjoyed. The fish around that coast were amazing. Not doing it again now though, too old. 


  • You are never too old!!!

    I remember donkeys years ago, snorkeling off a boat in the Red Sea in Hurghada, Egypt.  The colours of the fish, Wow, you could see the divers at the bottom (not mine).  I had a T-shirt on so I wouldn't burn, think I was out there for well over an hour.

    Got a good tale to tell about Hurghada, but that's for another day.  It's very long.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Did you not have float bags with adjustable pressure. to keep you at the right depth.

  • You can't say that.  Gina's a lady!

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • You might be trying not to be cheeky to Moi but your failing

  • Can't help it.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • OOOPs meant sidsmum