Prostate cancer and body weight (and avoidance of certain foods?)

  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hello all. 

Regarding prostate cancer, has a urologist ever suggested that losing weight could be beneficial to you? 

I am 68. My body weight vacillates between 80-18 kg. When I make a great effort with exercise and conscientious eating, I can get it down to 79. In summer, it's very difficult to maintain an exercise regime because of the heat. 

At any rate, I wonder if you have been told that losing weight would make a difference specifically for your prostate cancer and/or if you have been told what foods you should or should not eat. 

I did post a question earlier about diet and exercise, but I should have added body weight to it, hence this additional post. 

Thank you in advance. 


  • If you are overweight for your height and body type then you need to lose weight for all your health needs not just Prostate Cancer.

    You need to keep at a healthy weight and eat healthily all the time (most of the time - I have a sweet tooth so know how hard it is)  .  Exercise alone will not help much it's mainly what you eat and how much you eat, and yes exercise will eat up some calories but a 15 minute bike ride at about 70/80 RPM will only use up about 150 to 200 calories but every little helps and exercise is good for your body.  You need to keep your BMI below 25.

    We are told that being over weight is a risk factor in getting cancer and for other diseases - however with 1 in 8 men getting Prostate Cancer (PCa) and 1 in 2 of us getting cancer in our lifetimes then it stands to reason that both under and overweight as well as people of the right weight get cancer, meat eaters vegetarians and vegans too.  There is more than one risk factor including family history in some cancers and I am not sure it can be brought down to diet or being over weight only.  Eat fresh scratch cooked food.  Minimise processed foods and added sugar other than sugar from the fruit and veg you eat and don't eat more than you use up.  Smaller portions - always amazed at portions served up when we visit our grandsons in the US - far too big.  We order 1 meal between the two of us and we don't even eat that one meal between us when eating out and always take some home. 

    Being a healthy weight, eating healthily and exercising is good for overall health and will help you on your cancer journey.

  • Yes, I'm with you on all. We do our best to prepare all our own meals, even though at 68 and 70, we're a bit tired of it, but we do it. I'd say I don't knowingly eat processed foods and use sugar extremely rarely. Yes, portions in the US are INSANE. As an American who has lived in Japan for 29 years, I can certainly appreciate portion size. 

    Thank you for the rest of the info. I'm happy to know that you could continue bike riding. It's one of my few joys, and I'd hate to have it taken away from me.