Not eating

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Not sure if I am duplicating this on another part of the site, but  my husband (77) was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer about a year ago.  He has multiple bone mets throughout the skeleton and whilst initially on Firmagon (hormone therapy), he has changed to Prostap as he had too much pain from the first. 

He has bladder incontinence which is manageable by wearing pads but has been having often uncontrollable diarrhea every day for nearly four months.  He has had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy so far and oncology say nothing to do with the cancer.  He recently had an MRI to rule out spinal compression and a contrast ct scan.  Nothing sinister found that they didn't already know.

However, my biggest worry is that he can no longer can eat.  I have tried everything, obviously including his favourite foods.  He can manage sweet things like fruit, yoghurt and soft deserts but he just cannot mange more than a couple of mouthfuls of any savoury food and is having Energy drinks supplied by the doctor.

My questions are, do other sufferers have bad diarrhea and is total lack of appetite and inability to eat normal.  He is going downhill so fast and also getting dehydrated too. I am at my wits end trying to help him.

  • Does he drink at all?  If he can drink then you may want to try the rehydration drinks you can buy such as diaoralyte - you can either get them as a powder you mix with 200ml with water or already made up in cartons.  These contain the electrolytes lost through diarrhea and not drinking enough.  This might help.  If this does not help you must ask your GP or cancer centre to help.

  • Hi yes he can drink and not only what he should do if you get my meaning.  I have given him the rehydration drinks but he has diarrhea at least three times a day.  He is on Immodium but doesn't do much.  He also has the calorie drinks from the doctor which is about all he can manage now.  I just wonder if this is because of his cancer and that others lose their appetite completely or maybe something else going wrong with him.

  • I am so sorry to hear that your husband is so ill. Diarrhoea is horrible but try some acidophilus capsules are good as are those little Yakult drinks that restore the healthy bacteria in the gut. This can make a huge difference to the bowels.

    I hope it is nothing sinister but it won’t stop you worrying. I hope you have support/help for yourself as you need to lean on someone else in these times.

    sending you much love,

    Louli xx

  • Hi Louli,

    I give him live yoghurt and fruit every morning and he does eat that. However, we have finally been given a diagnosis of his problem.  He has lymphocytic colitis and will soon be on a drug called Budesonide which I am praying will help. Out of interest I looked up to see if there was any connection to his prostate cancer and strangely men who have suffered from lymphocytic colitis have a much greater chance of getting prostate cancer.  My husband did not have any problems before his diagnosis last year so I am wondering if it can work the other way? Luckily I do have some close friends who listen to my worries and moans which really helps. Gina xx

  • Hi Gina,

    thank god you’ve got an answer!! And a treatment. It’s funny how things are often connected … that’s a new one for me to take a look at too.Good luck with it and thank you for sharing. Keep us updated!

    much love,

    Louli xx

  • Hi Gina,

    Last year I was prescribed Budesonide for my Oesophagitis.  It made a difference.  My problem was food not making it's way down my Oesophagus, then forcing it's way back.

    I was originally on Omerprazole but the Budesonide worked wonders.  That was until the Endoscopy.

    Enough about me.  It looks like your husband is in good hands with you beside him.  It will make a big difference.

    I'm sure he'd be there for you.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve, am I glad to hear from someone who is on Budesonide.  My husband has multiple problems - microscopic colitis and gastritis and polyps in the oesophagus. He has recently started throwing up what little I can get down him. He is suffering a uti at the moment and on antibiotics so as yet, can't start on the Budesonide for the explosive diarrhea. He was originally on Omeprazole but colonoscopy consultant said I was wise to stop that one as it could have been actually causing the diarrhea.

    The doctor visited today as Richard at present is bed bound.  He is so weak from the uti and not eating is not helping his strength.  The prognosis, by the sound of the conversation with the doctor, is not good. Possibly 6 - 12 months because he is so weak and lost so much weight.  I am pinning my hopes that the moment we start on Budesonide, he will feel more like eating and then start to regain his strength. Really appreciate your reply and the only reason I joined this site was to try and find others going through the same things and their experiences.  Thanks Steve xx

  • Sidsmum,

    I've never known anyone else who was on Budesonide.  From day one I felt a difference.  After the Endoscopy my throat felt like I had gravel in it.  The specialist prescribed some Peptic (a super-strength Gaviscon).  That has helped.

    I see that Specialist again this Friday.  Same one in August for a Colonoscopy.  9 months late for this one because of the Radiation treatment last October.

    Starting to get anxious, Colon Cancer is rife on my father's side, that's why I get a Colonoscopy every 3 years.

    Enough about me, hope the Budesonide works out.

    Take care and be strong.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve, I am hoping to start him on Budesonide tonight.  Whilst the doc has suggested waiting for any infection to go, he is on his last antibiotic and is so weak now from not eating that I feel it cannot hurt and if it makes him feel better, and increases his appetite, it will help him build up his strength.  He is technically housebound now and will stay like this unless I can get him to eat now. 
    The preparation for the Colonoscopy is a real "pain in the arse" Grin, but I am sure you will be okay. Richard had a partial bowel resection two years ago as the consultant was convinced his two large polyps were cancer.  However, having cut him up, they were benign!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you and very grateful to hear that this new drug may make him feel better soon.
    Best regards


  • Gina,

    This will make you laugh!

    Last year before I had my Radiation treatment I was concerned about having to take an Enema 45 minutes before my appointment.

    How powerful were they?

    Then someone in this forum came out with a blinder (sorry I can't remember who).

    The Enema for Radiation is like a stick of Dynamite, " One blast and that's it"

    The Colonoscopy preparation is like a Nuclear explosion, "the fallout goes on and on for ages".

    I try to use this when telling anyone (who is interested).

    Hope the Budesonide works as well for your husband as it did for me.

    Steve (SteveCam)