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My name is Clive and I have been advised to start taking Enzalutamide as an additional treatment for my Advanced Prostate Chance which has recently been diagnosed as spreading to my pelvis. I am at present back on a hormone injection once a month and besides the infernal "sweating I am coping quite well. Is there anyone out there that can talk to me about Enzalutamide

  • Hi. My situation appears very similar to yours. Cancer spread to pelvis. I am on three monthly Zoladex injections for life, but as my PSA  began to rise, I was put on Entzalutamide. 4 tablets a day taken all at once. I set an alarm so I don’t forget!  It made my PSA undetectable very quickly, but it’s started to rise again so have just undergone another week’s radiotherapy. Now awaiting scans to see if that’s been effective. I am very good at tolerating all this stuff, and have never had night sweats. Just very tired. Hang in there, they’re discovering new treatments all the time

  • Sorry, Clive. I should have mentioned it reduces testosterone to being undetectable!

  • Thanks Brunyer

    hope all goes well with your treatment. Your lucky with no sweats as I have day and night sweats just on the injections I am though concerned about the potential tiredness and other side effect with the new treatment so gathering as much info as I can


  • Hi 

    After the chemo radiotherapy and hormone injections, four and a half years later, I was put on enzalutamide at first four tablets really rocked my brain, could not concentrate felt dizzy, dropped to two tablets and built up from there, now on four. My PSA barely dropped but it’s stable hardly moving, so hopefully it will keep me going a bit longer until it stops working then it might be chemo or something else.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe

    thank you very much for your reply. I appreciate you taking the time. 
    Hope all goes well for you

  • Hi Clive, my husband (68)was newly diagnosed with stage 4 gleason 8 after going to have routine X-ray ( 2yrs ago) as we thought he may need replacement hip due to nagging pain…. He’d been big cricketer/fast bowler and had a problem with knee which resolved itself. It was massive shock and he’s on once a month injection of decapeptyl plus the four tabs of enzalutamide daily. He’s exhausted most of the time but makes a huge effort daily to do stuff, I think it works for him, He really feels that pushing himself makes him feel much better, as the temptation is to just lie down and sleep as the drugs are so tiring, he’s always out doing mammoth tasks in garden, doing car meets, think it’s a matter of keeping going, good luck / Lx

  • Hi Joe

    I have a question for you.  After reading your profile again, can you please tell me why you had 20 sessions of radiotherapy and where was this targeted at.  



  • Hello Ginny

    I was on a trial called Stampede, hormone treatment, chemotherapy and radiotherapy done fairly quickly, so they hit the problem hard. The radiotherapy was targeted at the prostate, big machine that circles you while your lying down, before this happens your scanned and marked so the can Aline you up to the beam, then you don’t move. I know it’s daft but when I lay there as the beam turns on ( you don’t see it just hear it ) I used to think kill it kill it.

    Trouble with a wide beam which is what the machine is, a few years ( about four ) I got radiation prostitis it does happen, not to everyone but I’m ok now after a colonoscopy.

    Hope this helps 

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe

    Thanks for message.  Hubby has blood test tomorrow then scan on Wednesday after his 6th chemo session two weeks ago.  Just trying to find out what could be next possible treatment for him after the chemo.  He's been on Firmagon since December last year. 

    Thanka again
