Psa frequency

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi again. My last psa in November 2021 was .99 which is up slightly from .83. Consultant said yearly would be ok now but Dr says 6 monthly. I’m good with yearly as I worry too much, even though all readings have been ok. (Dr not concerned about the .16 jump.) The test ai due in 3 weeks and it’s already on my mind. Listen to Consultant or Dr? 

  • Hi Wombles. I'm no doctor but personally I would go for the six month option because if you do have a problem the sooner it's discovered the earlier it can be treated and the better the outcome. I'm on the six months at the moment and I agree it's always a worry around test time but I'd sooner have that and find out if I really have anything to worry about.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.  

    Kind regards Reg

  • Difficult one, on one hand is it better to know or ignorance is bliss.  Hopefully it doesn't increase next time  but say it went to 1.10, still miniscule and probably nothing would show up on any scans  so you would have another 6 months of worry.

    On the other hand if it went back down then all worrying would be over......for now. I think I might go for 9 months. I'm in a similar position by the way,  Just my thoughts obviously

    Best wishes

  • I would go for the 6 monthly test.  its just that your consultant and Dr have different ways of working.  I would far rather know if there was anything to worry about sooner rather than later so that any intervention could be taken as quickly as possible.  At the same time you could be having your mind put at rest every 6 months instead f every 12 months - for me a win, win situation.