Advanced prostate cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 111 subscribers

My husband got diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer last month after having an MRI scan and biopsy, because his PSA was high and they also found some traces of cancer in his bones.  Currently on Prostap hormone injections, and got to have another blood test to see if his PSA has come down, and waiting for an appointment to go to a London hospital for a bone scan, before they can start radiotherapy.

  • Sorry to read about your husband’s diagnosis. I hope all goes well for him. 


  • Hi Bayfield

    Its never good to find this out, must have been a terrible shock to you both, the journey ahead is just beginning, you will be told lots of things, make sure you have plenty of questions. 
    The Urology dept are good people, they deal with these cases on a daily basis, so listen to what they say. 
    If there’s a Maggies centre near by, they are great for just chatting answering any questions, or just for a cup of tea and a biscuit.

    Whatever is told you look at my profile I’m still here, positivity is a must, getting through the first handful of months when treatment starts.we’re always here to help and give information where possible.

    stay safe
