
  • 4 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi all

Looking for advice, I am feeling so guilty and worried about telling my 11 year old son about my prostate cancer. I dont know if I should tell him now or later, i just don't want him hearing from somebody else. Also I don't think my partner of 20 years will be able to cope with what is coming, she has always struggled with anything like this. I had to care for both my parents with cancer and ended up doing the end of life care as well and it destroyed me, I don't want that for them.

On another note I am really starting to struggle with pain in my hips and lower back tail area and I am so fatigued all the time. I have not started any treatment yet as I am waiting for another biopsy under general this time as they think the cancer was missed with the first one. I have my story on my profile. 

Things are changing with me so much in such a sort time, not sure if connected to the cancer.


  • Hi Keith.

    At this stage it's difficult to say but your PSA is still low.

    MRI shows something but doesn't have to be cancer.

    LUTs can be down to something else and of course back pain .

    The biopsy results should tell you what is happening but it does sound like non aggressive with any cancer contained within the gland.

    So potentially very treatable and curable.

    Come back when u know more about the biopsy results.

    Good luck 


  • Hi  Keith

    My wife told the kids soon after I was diagnosed, youngest is 12.

    I think they've been fine but I've no obvious symptoms. The kids adapt and I think they forget which is fine by me. I wanted them to know and not find out elsewhere.

    What keeps me going is my dad had open surgery at 60 to remove prostate, it had spread. He's had many treatments, currently on hormones. He still works, 75 next year and has a good life.

    Are there support groups locally or macmillian might be able to advise?

    Best of luck and keep us updated.

  • Hi

    Its important that you have all the information before you tell anyone, have you had a biopsy yet, if the PC is low grade then there’s lots of choices, as you may know PC is one of the slowest growing cancers, so time is on your side.

    like you I’ve been through my dad and my mum in law, not great times, my wife was distraught when told about my condition, still is very tearful nearly six years on, she mainly hopes I will keep going with all the meds etc, but I can see it in her eyes. 
    Stay safe
