Dad has just been diagnosed - Help please

  • 11 replies
  • 114 subscribers

Hi, My Dad has been diagnosed with prostate Cancer which we know has spread to a bone in his hip. He went for a Well Man check and PSA was 28. His last Well Man check was a couple of year ago before Covid and nothing showed up. He is 62 and the healthiest man, very strong, eats healthy, never smoked and hardly drinks. Hospital calling him Monday to give a date for a full bone scan and Prostate biopsy. I’m here really for positive story’s and if anyone can give advice on the questions we need to ask when he has the scan/biopsy/goes back for results etc. I’m lost and heartbroken so any help would be greatly appreciated xx

  • Hi my PSA was 1580 ,I was diagnosed Feb 2016 , my cancer went from prostate to lymph nodes spine ribs pelvis and a lung ,I went on hormone therapy then had chemotherapy it depends on spread, some people have radiotherapy, others just stay on hormone . i was 64 when diagnosed looking forward to retirement . With bone scan after injection he will be in a special room for 3 hours before scan, take something to read and eat and drink, after scan he must keep clear of young children and pregnant women because of radiation  . drink plenty afterwards to flush injection out of system .

    im new on here so just learning but if i can help please reply, remember im a cancer patient not medically trained. 


  • Hi Lozzz,

    I am in a very similar situation aside my dad is 80. Again, any advice in questions we can ask the consultants please from anyone with experience as this all feels so new and daunting and I think understanding the situation more will help me and my dad. Also lost and heartbroken, you are not alone Lozzz!

  • Hi lozzz when i was diagnosed idid not realize there were places like this around . didn't use internet. 

    I was told my PSA stage, and grade and treatment options, but im afraid not much more if possible you want to make a note of questions to ask as you think of them, some hospitals you can go in as well so easier to remember things .  

    Treatment options are a good question im sure others will join with other ideas.


  • Hi Lozz 

    Sorry to hear but a bit surprised really. PSa of 28  on its own doesn't really say very much.

    First thing really would be a MRI to see if any indications it could be cancer, if it did then a biopsy and possibly a bone scan would happen at some stage.

    There's nothing in your detail, apart from a raised PSa , to indicate that it's cancer.

    You should possibly question this at the appointment.

    Best wishes

    • Steve
  • Hi Lozzz, I'm sorry to read about your dad, but welcome to the site, I was diagnosed January 21 with incurable prostate cancer which has spread to various soft tissues in my stomach and extensively to my bones.

    This is not as black as it seams, I'm on HT, and complete RT, PSA is below 1 so all good, what you are experiencing is normal, worries, sadness ect, and everyone is different.

    Take a look at my profile, the chair by my name, it might help you.

    All the best Ulls

  • Thank you for replying Blush It makes a huge difference knowing others are going through or have been through the same thing, as rubbish as that sounds. I hope your doing well now and enjoying the retirement! 

  • Thank you for replying Blush I’m going to take a look at your profile now. I’m glad things are are looking good for you - Like you say it all seems doom and gloom but actually, it’s not all as bad as it first seems Blush

  • We aren’t alone Jaypea BlushPray Xx

  • Hiya Steve, Thanks for replying Blush He has had an MRI (forgot to put that part in) and been diagnosed. He then slipped, fractured a bone in his hip and then they saw the cancer cells in the fracture site. Bone scan and Biopsy ordered and calling him Monday with a date to go in for them Upside down