Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I was diagnosed 18 months ago, and have been having three monthly ht injections and also enzalutamide tablets, my psa has risen from 4 to 12 and my oncologist is now starting me on 3 weekly chemo instead of the enzalutamide, I’m terrified now, any advice help or support would be welcome.

  • Hi Will , that sounds stressful . I’ve no expertise to offer you , but could you share your Gleason and stage ? - it’ll help the experts when they arrive . We’re you offered radiotherapy or surgery ? Best wishes , Bill

  • Don’t have a Gleason score, psa of 12 , had one shot of Radiotherapy on my back now waiting for chemo.

  • Have they not done a biopsy ? Was the locally advanced diagnosis made by an MRI ?

  • Yes had a biopsy at the start, had several mri’s waiting on another now

  • Just say if I’m pestering you , but do you know why they didn’t tell you your Gleason? Was the treatment you started aiming to cure  , or principally to control it ? I had a prostatectomy so didn’t dig too deep into other treatments - feel free not to reply if you’d prefer . Bill

  • Hi Will,

    sorry to hear this news , I can’t give you advice about chemo as my treatment has involved HT injections , tablets and RT , I just want to wish you all the best for your future treatment.


  • Thankyou, wish you all the best too

  • Will S 


    So sorry to hear about your journey so far.

    We must have been diagnosed at at around the a similar time.

    I was diagnosed 01/09/2020 aged 61

    Locally advanced prostate cancer

    Aggresive (high range)

    Treatable not curable 

    Gleason 4+5=9

    T3b N1 M0 

    Cancer travelled to my lymph nodes deep in the pelvis.

    Please feel free to read my profile.

    You are bound to be worried and we are all here with you.

    Feel free to chat anytime, never be alone.

    I am also on 3 monthly H/T injections, that are due to end in July.

    I had Chemotherapy 3 months after diagnosis and this was followed by Radiotherapy 3 months later.

    It was a tough time in such a short time, but like you must do I stayed strong.

    So many people are with you.

    May I ask what age you are !

    Ask them as many questions as you need to and never feel like a question is not relevant.

    Your Chemo is cumulative (which no one told me) and so its effects will get gradually stronger.

    Look after yourself and remember that we are all here with you.

    If you have a Maggie's Centre near you I would give them a visit.

    I went all through my treatment and now go each week.

    Their support like Macmillan is priceless.

    Maggie's offers people to talk to if you wish in full confidence and privacy, or just a beautiful calming place to sit read and escape for a while.

    Please look them up online.

    Take care and stay safe 


    "You don't know how Strong you are, until being Strong is your only choice"

    Bob Marley