Update on my husband

  • 9 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi My Husband Keith 48 diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer spread to nodes and bones and surrounding tissues immediately started on degarelix injections every 6 weeks after biopsy and scans where told chemo radiotherapy surgery not an option tried on apalutamide tablets on full and reduced dose but had bad side effects  so where stopped oncologist telephoned us to say as Keith was not having any cancer treatments he would be discharged from his care and he said he would ask urologist to take over Keith’s care this was march 14th we have not heard from anyone since the letter that followed this telephone conversation stated that Keith has T4 Gleason 4+3 and node and metastatic spread Has anyone had a similar diagnosis and treatment plan or lack of one 'Thanks Maria x

  • FormerMember
  • Hi Maria , sorry to hear about your husband. 

    Like your husband I'm a T4 n1 m1 Gleason 8 diagnosed at 55. I've been told that both radiotherapy and chemotherapy are options for me so I don't understand why your husband based upon what you've said would be told NO to theses treatments. 

    I'm on Decapeptyl 3 monthly injections along with Xtandi 160mg daily with very little side effects, just the odd hot flashe and slight tiredness at times. I'd go back to your oncologist and ask about trying Xtandi unless he's already tried it. 

    There's plenty more options out there to explore treatment wise , so I wouldn't be sitting back and taking no for an answer.

    Take care , stay positive and fight on

  • Hi Thanks for your response  we where told that chemo radiotherapy and other treatments would be available and after and mdp meeting chemo was still a possibility however once Keith’s biopsy results came back it was no longer an option I try to stay positive for keith however I think I know what’s a head for us and it terrifies me we watched our son battle acute lymphoblastic leukaemia for 4 yeaLes came close to loosing him a few times and just to keep us on our toes I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cance that had spread to nodes but we where given odds and a chance to fight Keith hasnt it’s a hard pil to swallow xx

  • Hi Topcat his last two where 3.8 and 2.7 thank you so much any advice help greatly appreciated 

  • Hello Maria, so sorry to hear what you and your husband are going through. Like Ghostly i dont understand why treatment has been withdrawn, i was diagnosed with advanced metastatic PC gleason 9 last march with spreads to my spine and pelvis. I am on 6 monthly Decepaptyl injections, daily Enzalutamide and monthly Zoledronic acid bone infusions and have had RT to spine, prostate and chest(to reduce pain from breast swelling) i have been told that Chemo will be my next treatment so as Ghostly says i would go back and ask for Enzalutamide, brand name Xtandi or at the very least an explanation. Take care and good luck. 



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Hi Mariasusan,

    im in the same boat as you.. my husband stage 4 with bone, lymph and tiny  lung mets that seem to have resolved. 
    treatment is Prostap 3 injections and Arbiterone a life extending drug for stage 4 people. 
    His PSA went from 44 to 0 then 0.1 two weeks ago. We were also told chemo and radiotherapy not an option. My husband is 71 and is very active.  Also worry that he should be offered more. May I ask where in the UK you are? We are west coast of Scotland.

    I honesty don’t know how you are still standing with all the cancer in the family. Sending you much love and a huge hug!

    louli x

  • Hi thanks fir your message we live in Newcastle sending love and straight back to you xx

  • Well stay in touch lovely. I will be thinking about you lots Mariasusan…
