S.N. are not returing my phone calls

  • 6 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi guys 

My SN are not returning my phone calls,, I wonder how meny other Urology / Prostant Cancer guys are getting the same problem.

It seems to me that I am being left hanging out on the washing line.

I will not say which NHS  Trust/Hospital they are from.

But I guess some of you can Guess.

I will n ot Name and shame the trust yet.


  • Hi 

    I hate saying this about good meaning hard working people.

    There is another way, that’s contact the oncologists secretary and without being forceful put your point across, also, keep pestering the dept, they will reply again just be diplomatic, ring as often as you can.

    stay safe


  • Hi Les

    I agree with you - I too feel like I have been abandoned. Whilst it's fair to say,  my CNS will usually phone me back, there is no proactive checking up on how things are going for me. Also it seems I am the one deciding when it's important enough to call them to discuss something - but how am I to know what is or isn't???

    I only started off on this journey, following an off the cuff question to my GP, as I was walking out the door. Had I not been speaking with her on another issue, who knows how long my cancer would have taken to develop, before I would have been forced to ask what was going on.

    I feel the lack of proactively speaking with patients is a flaw in the NHS model.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Yes we have to be proactive which can be hard when we do not have the knowledge or are feeling ill ourselves.  It is a big flaw.  I am sure everyone is doing the best they can at the moment in unprecedented circumstances.

  • Hi Les. I had a similar problem but then got in touch with the nurse by e-mail and received a reply the same the day. i think it was the Macmillan Nurse who gave me her details at my diagnosis. I know it's not the British thing to do but you have to keep on at them some times for your own peace of mind.

    Good luck. Best regards Reg  

  • Hi all 

    Thank you all for you replys.

    The SCN phoned me today with the last PSA results. which were a nice 2 so its another 4 month wait befor the next test

  • Excellent news Les but I would say to anyone on this forum, if you are unsure get a second opinion ( under the NHS you are pretty much always etiitled). You are not judged, in fact our local consultant was a great help facilitating but he never suggested we should so think on!

    Not all hospitals offer the same range of treatments. No brachytherapy at The Royal Marsden or James Cook so be prepared to travel for whatever the right treatment may be for you.

    NHS is mega but you also need to be on your toes and take some responsibility.

    Rant over.

    Good Fortune lovely people.