Post radiotherapy

  • 5 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi, husband aged 56 finished HD brachytherapy in mid January then 23 fractions of raiotherapy ( to nodes too). Previous diagnosis locally advanced prostate cancer, N0 T0 with gleason 3 + 4 = 7.  

Question please all you lovely people - he finished treatment Tuesday but is experiencing waves of pain intermittently in stomach, bloated and urinating incessantly! 

Is this normal? Thought please. 

Thank you. 

  • Think that's fairly normal for anything to do with Radiotherapy.

    I had plenty of issues during my RT even for some weeks after treatment finished.

    Could always ring the cancer center or GP for advice

  • Hi

    Sorry to say it’s part of the treatment, it will get better in time you can ask your doctor for assistance with the pain, unless you can give the oncologist or specialist nurse a ring, see if there’s anything they can help with.

    stay safe


  • Thank you all for your replies special people.

    Love you all.

    Husband saw GP today. Has anti acid drugs prescribed and weeing should improve.

    On a walk yesterday it was 7 times in 6 miles! We have to laugh Rofl...

    thanks for that blanket of support. 

  • Hi Wispmydog,

    When I finished my Radiation sessions in November I was peeing up to 7 times a night, flow down to a trickle (if you know what I mean).

    Now, some 4 months later I'm down to 1 or 2 times, nearly on full blast.

    Last month I actually stood up for a Pee, first time since October, like a child learning for the first time.

    I couldn't wait to get home to tell my partner, "Guess what I did today?"

    Anyway, enough of me.

    I laughed when I read your last post. I thought it read "thanks for the Wet Blanket of Support".

    My sense of humour is what kept me sane through this.

    Best of luck.  Things will improve bit by bit.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve, I appreciate the humour God knows we need it!!

    My husband feels the need to update me each day (:whilst walking our dogs early morning) with his vitals...bowels and wee reoccurance! I applaud but question how did we arrive here !No mouthUpside down

    Every minute success applauded! 

    I applaud all you chaps out there battling. Clap