
  • 3 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hello to all here

just joined this forum 

first forum I have ever joined 

was diagnosed with prostate cancer 3 months ago since with many tests it has spread to pelvic bones

presently on tablet chemo steroids & a 4 weekly hormone jab

does all this sound right

  • Hi Flashg

    Welcome to the forum, here we will try and help the best we can.

    Everyone will ask this do you have your PSA and Gleason scores ? Plus what stage are you.

    The treatment your receiving is normal for first line attack, what is the medication they have put you on ? Prostate cancer is very slow to grow, I’m like you it has spread to my bones but is very treatable, try to stay positive, I’m sure your in good hands with your team, have you had any scans ? I ask all these things as we’ve all been through this, plus the more we know the better information we can give, remember we are not doctors just people like you helping where we can.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe thanks for taking the time to reply to my post

    i started with blood test result was PSA 27.2 Gleason score was 9 then I have had MRI scan radium scan CT scan then a further radium scan on groin & sternum another blood test 2 weeks later showing PSA of 32.2was given a boosted of 2 jabs of Hormone then another blood test 4 weeks later PSA down to 3.2 they a planned 6 week course of radiography but after the last scan which showed the speed to the bone they decided on Chemo tablets & steroid tablet & 4 weekly hormone jabs just anti flush tablets added yesterday  having further blood test today & meeting oncology next Friday. Hope kinda brings me up to date don’t think I’ve missed anything. Cheers 

  • Hi

    If you have any questions for your oncologist, write them down now, it’s easy to forget things like this especially when when your on medication, things like what’s the next step, if you have any side effects from what your taking, do you need to change your way of eating and drinking, plus anything else that comes to mind. You might think owe I’ll write that later, believe me it’s so easy to forget just something we tell everyone, then ask about a plan B what will happen when your present medication stops working. 
    I know it’s early days but it puts your mind at rest knowing there’s a next step.

    Stay safe
