Calcium level in blood very low.

  • 3 replies
  • 111 subscribers

Hi all I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer which has also gone quite extensively to my bones.

My age is 74 (for two more Weeks)

I’m interested to see if anyone else has had a problem with low calcium levels in the blood.

I  diagnosed and started on Zytiga 3rd.  September last year I also had Denosumab and Decapeptyl injections.

Following a blood test I was rushed into hospital with critically low calcium in my blood 1.2. I spent 4 days in there and it still hadn’t been solved. They now believe it was the Denosumab injection that probably caused it so they have been stopped!
Now 4 months later I’m just getting my calcium back it’s now 2.25.

I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience of this?
My Endocrinologist said it was the lowest he had ever seen and could have been fatal.

unfortunately while they were searching for a cause they took me off my Zytiga so had no cancer treatment for over a month.

  • Hi Paphos

    I was given calcium tablets, there called Alca D, ask about them they may not be as harsh and could help with what you have said.

    stay safe


  • Thanks Joe, yes I’ve been on Adcal D for5 months plus Calcitio for the same period. I was also getting calcium infusions weekly at the hospital (they have stopped now).

    It was quite a low intensive procedure the full calcium infusion took 11 hours.

  • As I slowly learn more about this disease the Bone profile in your blood tests is worth keeping on top of. At diagnosis my ALP was up in the 500s and is now to 208 but with a rising calcium level. I think that's good if the ALP level continues its downward trend in terms of the cancer attacking your bones?