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Today had consultation with surgeon.He explained 10/17 biopsies taken had cancerous cells.One is 3 cm in size, coupled with PSA of 21.9 not good prognosis 

Given the situation I have somewhat reluctantly decided to go for removal 

The consultant was careful not to say what I should opt for , however he certainly was pushing me that way

Any thoughts?

hopefully this is right decision in my situation 

  • Hi Tony,

    Sorry about your prognosis. You don`t say whether you have a wife/partner but I think you should have the discussion with them, maybe you have already. You also don`t mention what the other option(s) were but ultimately I suppose it`s down to you. When I was diagnosed, I was not given the option of surgery or radiotherapy so I don`t know how hard it must be to make a decision like yours. Sorry I was not much help but I`m sure you will make the decision you are most comfortable with. I certainly wish you well in the future.

    Take care, Tom.

  • Tom, it’s been a whirlpool , very difficult decision still not 100% 

    Yes my wife feels this is better than prolonged hormone treatment and radiotherapy 

    My main concern is incontinence, the sexual side is secondary 

    A very difficult decision but probably given my condition maybe best one

  • Hi Tony

    Surgeons will  normally always push for surgery, obviously I suppose.

    U are right to be concerned about ED and urinary issues, they r there. Obviously not everyone having surgery will suffer though.

    U don't give your age and I am assuming that the tumour is contained within the gland 


  • Hi steve I am 64 in march
    why do you think surgeons want people to have surgery?

    This is all so confusing, no easy decision thanks steve for messege 

  • Because I suppose that's how they get their business.

    Take some time to decide and do  look at Radiotherapy as another option.

    Of course your OH is correct about RT and HT being slightly prolonged, surgery quicker although major op.

    Do check location of tumour within gland, if about to break out from capsule u could be better off with RT 

    The only reason I say that is because u mentioned a tumour size of 3,cm, I assume it's not mm?

    I know it's confusing, I went through the same when I was deciding.

    Best wishes


  • Many thanks am so confused 

    Tumour at front is 3cm 

    Surgeon was positive about recovery etc

    What I may do is go and discuss with my Gp

  • Hi Tony

    For me personally it was a no brainer, most of my family have succumbed to cancer one way or another, I personally don’t trust cancer.  My surgeon explained at length there were other treatments RT for one and having radioactive pellets implanted into the prostate was another, I insisted that I wanted it gone.  Have I regretted that decision?  Not for one second and I would do the same again.  The incontinence hasn’t been bad I leak a bit if I need the loo and put pressure on my bladder ie standing up out of a chair.  ED, well I have got that.  Reading about it, it takes time for the nerves to repair themselves.  The doctor could advise on that I’m sure, with the like of viagra.

    Whatever you decide I wish you well.  Take care.



    I was 64 last week.  

  • Unless u have a really good GP didn't find them much use , they're not specialist.

    The other thing to do is to go and see a radiologist privately, cost about £250 to get another view.

    You would need to get hold of a copy of the MRI report and pref images and biopsy info with u.

    Sounds like more hassle I know but could be worth it and help u make up your mind.

    Also see what others say, this is just my opinion

    Good luck 


  • Tony I had surgery recently and my tumour was of a similiar size. They will only recommend surgery if there is a chance of cure. I would be asking surgeon how confident he is of a good outcome also how good and experienced he is. 

    They gave me bicaldamide to reduce the tumour while I went on the waiting list. You will probably be priority one but still I had to wait months. They dont offer surgery willy nilly they are at full capacity. Hope that helps and good luck