My cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Really found this chat so helpful 

Chatting with people who have experienced prostate cancer

My concerns were following the consultation on Friday 

regarding side effects 

Muscle loss, man boobs, weight gain , diarrhoea, flushes, mood swings 

Generally speaking it seems as tho hot flushes and mood swings with fatigue are most likely 

I just want a quality of life after treatment 

  • Remember you won't get all the side effects and what you do you will get to a greater or lesser degree.  I didn't get moobs and no one who had treatment at the same time I did complained of this as we all continued to exercise as normal.  I only put on half a stone and had no muscle loss - this is what I most worried about as at my age it is hard to get muscle back but exercising all the way through my treatment seems to have stopped this happening or made it so minimal I didn't notice it.  Didn't get diarrhoea either.  The hot flushes are manageable and if they are really bad you can get medication.  I also never had mood swings either and I think again this is because I kept exercising and doing all the normal things I did before diagnosis and didn't focus on the cancer and the treatment only and become obsessive about it and just carried on with life pretty much as if nothing had happened and all this was normal.  Remember that once the HT stops these side effects decline and eventually vanish.  Fatigue well yes I did take naps in the evening or at the weekend after lunch but it didn't stop me doing any of the things I normally did.  The one plus on HT some of my hair grew back and my eldest son couldn't call me bald eagle any more!  Unfortunately this also vanished after HT. Slight smile 

  • Many thanks 

    May I ask your age?I am 63 very fit, ex forces and involved in sports playing and coaching since young

    Am hopeful this will help along with a positive mindset

  • Hi

    Welcome, quality of life we would all love, even after treatment finishes, side effects carry on for some time. Man boobs my wife says mine are bigger than hers, mood swings depends on the person, I get very few and then it’s mainly because of reflecting about the past, hot flushes with me I get around twenty a day, they used to be full body but that happens only a few times, it’s mostly at assorted times of the day, even then there not as bad as when I was full on treatment. Unfortunately fatigue and tiredness are part and parcel of the medication you just have to listen to what your body tells you, then weight mines like a yo-yo, at the moment I’m on a New Years diet which is working, depends what your favourite foods are. 
    keep talking to us.

    Stay safe


  • I am a good deal older than you 72 when diagnosed but other than that I too am ex forces being a PTI and PJI in the Royal Air Force for 37 years, qualified FA Coach, Tennis Coach, Swimming and Cricket Coach (though don't like Cricket that much - too slow for me Slight smile so being fit has been my life and carried on to this day.  I am pretty sure that, as you say this, along with a positive mindset helps at times like these. 

  • I had a feeling you were ex military by name lol

    I was a pti too have done free falls and static line jumps lol

    was at hospital today surgeon more or less recommended removal 

    10/17 biopsies had cancerous cells, and one is 3 cm at front 

    rather just go in have it done and move on

  • Yes.  I understand my first reaction was to have it removed and have done with it but then the position showed that it may have already spread locally so best to have HT and RT to ensure complete coverage of the area there may be stray cells.  On my 6th year post treatment still with undetectable PSA so whether cancer cells had escaped or not the treatment worked splendidly.

    Great that you took the opportunity to do the static lines and freefalls - I really miss that but at least I did it for 30 years of my career including testing and trials - probably why my neck, back, hips and knees are in such a bad state now - still only one new hip and one new knee so far Slight smile.  For some years after I retired I could manage long skiing holidays with my sons in the US - almost as good and better in a way because you can stop to take in the fantastic views. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to perch on a passing cloud and have a good look round in free fall

    Good Luck with your operation and recovery.  Let us know how you get on.

    All the best.