Chemo, foods to eat/avoid

  • 7 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi Lovely People

Hubby starts chemo this Thursday.  One session every 3 weeks, with hopefully 6 sessions in total. He’s been on Firmagon hormone injections for 6 weeks, after being diagnosed with advanced pc.  

Are there any foods/ drinks we should avoid during this time and likewise are there any foods/drinks that will benefit him.


  • I'm on Firmagon. To keep it simple Green Tea and Tomatoes make you feel good and may lower PSA with lots of low impact exercise. These also help with bone pain and side effects. Cheese and other fatty products are best avoided. Alcohol and coffee are ok in moderation. Why stop enjoying life just because you have cancer?  

  • Hi Sessex

    How long have you been on Firmagon? How advanced was/ is your pc?  Did you too have chemo?  Sorry to ask so many questions


  • My sister swore by frozen pineapple chunks sucked while having chemo helped my brother-in-law keep his sense of taste while going through chemo.  Other than that a healthy diet and it may be better to have lots of small meals than 3 big meals a day. 

  • Hi Ginny

    I've been on Firmagon since July 2021. It has made a big difference with almost all bone pain gone. I've just had a jab today so I expect to have a very tired afternoon and evening. I'm also mixing it with Enzalutamide which my Oncologist said was kinder than chemo. I have bone mets to spine and pelvis.

    So I'm a bit of state but so far doing quite well. Exercise is I believe key to coping.  

    I hope that helps.  

  • Hi Sussex, helps a lot

    Get some rest and then tomorrow you will feel better


  • Hi Freefaller

    Thanks for the advice on the pineapples.  Will definitely try it.


  • It may not work for everyone but worked for my brother in law.  At least he didn't loose all sense of taste which is a help if you usually enjoy your food.