Trying to lose weight

  • 5 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017 and I've had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. Currently I have a Zoladex injection every 12 weeks and six months ago I started taking dexamethasone, a steroid.

Since starting the steroid my weight has gradually climbed making me obese, according to my BMI. My consultant, whilst being sympathetic, says the treatment and thus side effects, can't be avoided. 

I'm using MyFitnessPal to record food intake and I'm counting calories to try and lose weight. I walk at least 30 minutes twice a day, but my weight stubbornly stays the same.

Has anyone in a similar position succeeded in losing weight and if so, how did you do it?

  • Although I only had HT and radiotherapy I did also have creeping problems with weight and collected a "spare tyre"  I continued to exercise as normal throughout my treatment going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week which I think helped with fatigue and emotional side effects too.  As soon as the weight started to creep on changed my diet continuing to eat healthily but less sugar fat and carbohydrates.  My worst weakness is biscuits so for nearly a year we didn't even have biscuits in the house - though my wife would sometimes "find a biscuit" for me to have with my coffee on the odd occassion - I also cut out alcohol as well - I was never one for going out to the pub but did enjoy the odd G&T and a glass of wine every evening with my meal - again sometimes at the weekend I did have a small glass of wine and found I appreciated it far more.  My diet was porridge for breakfast - sometimes with the addition of banana and yogurt.  Fruit and nuts for lunch sometimes with cheese and crispbread and a normal dinner with fewer or no potatoes and a smaller portion.  Hardly any fried food and if my wife was making a stew she made it without fat using carrs sauce flour to thicken soups and sauces - which cuts out the fat.   Of course I can'[t say I stuck to this rigidly every single day of every single week when we went to weddings or to stay with other people or eating out but just made the effort to stick with this whilst at home.  It is still going to be harder to keep the pounds off while you are on HT but as long as you make the effort to eat healthily with more fresh fruit and vegetables and stay fit the better you should be afterwards.  In the end I managed to limit my total weight  gain at  just half a stone and lost it after HT was completed.  I am not saying that this will work for you as we are all different and you are doing well recording your food intake and if doing all you are doing keeps your weight the same that is still better than putting more weight on.

    All the best to you.

  • Some of that extra weight is fluid, due to the steroid, but even so ...

    I gained weight on HT - trousers went from 34" to 38" in six months. I started walking, but it needs to be a 'brisk walk' not a stroll.

    I also went from three meals a day to two, and for a while, I had a 'starve Tuesday', where I ate virtually nothing once a week.

    But my problem was, all this time I was snacking "I've cut out a meal, so a packet of crisps won't hurt", and so on.

    Get rid of anything you can snack on. Anything. But do stock up on fruit.

    I was back down to 36" before the HT finished (I had three years), then down to 34" within a few months of finishing HT - you won't lose it all on while you're on HT, but you don't need to. Just most of it.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Yes Heinous - it was going from 34 to 36 quite early on that got me watching what I ate.  I think I have come out of it all quite well weight and size wise as I had always been around 13 stones but now hover around 12 and a half - apart from Christmas time of course Slight smile Just got back into proper eating after last Christmas.  It was the muscle wastage which hurt the most as can't quite get that muscle tone back but at my age - 73 when diagnosed.  Does it really matter - well it obviously does to me Slight smile I hate it!

  • Hi ,having read all of your comments, I am going to look at ways to help my husband who is very down about his excessive weight gain. I have found the 5:2 diet has worked well for him in the past, it is so hard as he loves my baking! I have a sweet tooth too. It is difficult when he is taking abiraterone and steroids but I will certainly do my best.We are in a local walking group and that helps and we try and walk everyday, brisk walking is key I think. Take care everyone.

  • Hi

    I'm in the same boat and hoping now I'm at the end of my HT the weight will start to reduce. 



    Trying to get fit again!