Extreme Pain - Hips/Back/Legs

  • 4 replies
  • 110 subscribers


First a little of my journey-

Please feel free to read my profile

Male 62 

Gleason 9

Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

High Range and Aggressive

Treatable not Curable

Diagnosed 1st September 2020

Treatment received - Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, Hormone injections monthly for two years minimum (on going)

After my Chemotherapy I started to have problems with my Knee replacement that took place in September 2019   

After being in a lot of pain both with the knee and later my hips, back and legs with electric type pain in my back hips.

I was given a consultation by the surgeon who did my knee replacement.

Today I got the results as follows- and they are to be forwarded to my oncologist whom I have a consultation booked with for 22nd February.

Thankfully there wee no new tumors, however I am still in a lot of pain.

So much pain that I am on Oramorth (Morphine) for when the pain killers are not enough.

Today's  consultation was brief to say the least- 10 mins

Basically told that these pains sometimes happen after treatment and this is what causes the pain.

I was told there was some changes in my hips and L1 L2

I came out sat in the car and cried.

I went in with a list that I was not given chance to read out.

But mostly sad that I was basically told nothing you can do.

So now I am faced with -

Not using the bath

Sitting on a chair to prepare food most of the time

Waking and having sleepless nights

Not being able to walk at times 

and a knee I have to walk down stairways with my foot on its side

Has anyone else experienced this after treatment and is it life long or does it go away (I finish HT in September)

I will keep strong and keep fighting the fight.

I hope that someone can relate to this, as the pain is terrible.

Take care and stay safe


"You don't know how Strong you are,

until being Strong is your only choice"

Bob Marley

  • Hi,

    Things may change when the HT ends, but there's no way to be sure that they will.

    See if you can get a referral to a pain specialist, if there is one in your area.

    Do you know what your TNM score is?

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Heinous

    Thanks for your advice re pain specialist.

    I will mention this to the oncologist when I have a consultation next Month.

    Forgot to add my TNM 

    T3b N1 M0 

    Spread to the lymph nodes ideep n the pelvis 

    Kind regards


    "You don't know how Strong you are untill being Strong is your only choice" 

    Bob Marley
















  • HT often causes pain in limbs and also muscle wastage so it is important to keep moving as much as you can through all your treatment.  You could also be asked to be reffered to a rehab course either at a local hospital or a local gym where you will be assessed by a physio and nurse and helped to exercise to the best of your limits.  Dont know how many of these are running now or places available on these now as the pandemic may have had an affect on the availability but find out what you can access locally.  Hope you find some relief.

    Good Luck

  • freefaller 

    Thank you so much for you advice, I will certainly look into this.



    "You don't know how Strong you are untill being Strong is your only choice" 

    Bob Marley