Pain from bone mets

  • 13 replies
  • 113 subscribers

Can anyone offer help. My husband had aggressive advanced prostate cancer with mets in pelvis spine and ribs. He's so uncomfortable from ribs, taking zomorph and orromorph but not really helping. Does anyone ha e any suggestions

  • Hi

    I have bone mets, gone through all sorts of pains, I take Alca D to strengthen the bones, it’s not a pain killer but does help, I take up to eight co codormol tablets a day, when it gets bad, although I take a fair few tabkets, I try to avoid pain killers, they block me up, plus when I do need them then I will not get used to how powerful they can be, I have tramadol as a back up in case it’s severe. I did acupuncture before Xmas this can help, had to stop because of the covid. I also use wood lok oil it’s a Chinese rubbing oil, that also helps to a degree. Lastly I had cortisone injections, and for my back an epidural which cleared the pain for about nine months.

    Stay safe


  • Thanks Jo, he's also on naproxen. Might look into acupuncture. 

  • Hi Jo, 

    my Dad is in similar position and in terrible pain, he’s currently taking liquid morphine but that doesn’t seem to help long term.  No one is giving alternatives, are you able to advise how you got the injections / epidural???

  • Hi

    i was put foreward by my doctor, then after a scan which showed two blown vertebra l 4/ 5 they gave me the epidural, again I must point out this was after scans and seeing the top guy, also the cortisone was done by the doctor.

    stay safe


  • Thanks Joe, we have an appointment with the oncologist next week so will ask about these options.

  • Hi Washerwoman,

    I also have bone mets which get painful quite often, usually in shoulder & sacrum but sometimes in pelvis/hips. At diagnosis I was on Co-codamol 30/500 which worked well for a few months but eventually faded in effectiveness. I am now on Tramadol after speaking to my consultant who said, as I was now looking for quality of life no-one should be in pain. I take 2 in the morning with my other medication and 2 as required through the day (max 8 per day), they are really helping me at the moment. My consultant also said there are always options for pain.

    Take care, Tom.

  • Thank you, this feels like a lonely journey and I'm only the wife. Our team seem to think morphine is the only drug, fine but the oramorph makes him sick and doesnt last long. His mobility is also getting worse which is difficult for both of us. Palliative care Coming tomorrow and at least they listen a bit more. 

  • I’m repeatedly being told that there are options and no one needs to be in pain, but watching my Dad suffer is heartbreaking!! I’ll discuss tramadol with oncologist as well - if you don’t ask!

  • I know what you mean, I asked last time if we were on the naughty list, sometimes I feel like staff just don't listen. I know keep a daily log to show. Not exactly making good memories and covid is no excuse. Good luck, fight for him. 

  • My brother-in-law suffered from Stage4 prostate cancer for 15+ years and my sister-in-law said the best people to ask about pain relief is palliative care as they are much better at reacting and prescribing.