Party time

  • 8 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I have advanced prostate cancer and I am diabetic I'm also on Prostap 3 monthly. My question is my sister is having an 80th birthday party on 14th January for about 40/50 people should I go with covid as it is I have had 2 injections and a booster. Cheers Richard 

  • Hi  this sounds like a question for your doctor as I imagine it would depend on how vulnerable you are considered to be and also whether you are immunosupressed in any way. I would definitely run it by your doctors first.

  • Madworld

    If it was me then yes I would go.

    I have the same as you, advanced prostate and diabetes so I would check who would be there get flow tests, pull my pants up, say sod it and go.

    You don't have to stay long and keep your distance from everyone as much as possible.


  • Hi Richard

    Like you I have the same diagnosis, if your like me then you’ve done your best to avoid crowds, 40/50 people is asking for trouble, the hospitals are full of people who thought better, we incurables might not have a great life, but at least we’re still here fighting away, why throw caution to the wind for one day ? 
    Stay safe


  • First, don't make a final decision now - decide on the day, or the day before. Go with your gut.

    The real question  - and I'm afraid there's no easy way to say this - depends on how sensible 'the crowd' is.

    If your sister's friends and family are the kind of people who are also fully vaxed, and would think before mixing, then personally, I'd probably go.

    I'd also consider the venue - if it's large for the numbers, modern and properly ventilated, I'd probably go. If it's in a 16th century small, overheated pub, I probably wouldn't. In between? I'd think about it.

    But in the end, once you've risk-assessed, you have to go by how you feel. If in doubt, I'm sure she'd understand if you said "Sorry, Sis, but you know how it is. Let's meet up next week and I'll give your bottle of Emva Cream".

    (I'm joking about the Emva Cream - I'm sure she prefers Tia Maria) Nerd

    [added:] Depending on distance, you could also 'pop in for half an hour' wearing a mask, if that felt safer. But only even consider going at  all if you feel quite well yourself.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi Macworld,

    I had a similar predicament at the end of October only it was my last surviving aunts funeral.

    Even though I had received my Covid booster jab I decided not to go. My decision was based on the fact that there would be a lot of people there that I didn’t know. My youngest brother also didn’t go as he has stage 3 kidney disease. The family was represented by my elder brother and sister.

    As Heinous said I made my decision the day before the funeral.

    It’s a hard decision to make and only you can make it. You are obviously concerned as you wouldn’t be asking this question.

    Don’t get me wrong I do go out but I take a lateral flow test before and 2 days later if I’m going somewhere busy.

    Have you discussed this with other family members?

     I don’t regret the decision I made & I hope that you don’t either.

  • Good point about the lateral flow - before, two days after, and if you feel rough, repeat up to a week later.

    The good news on Omicron is that most seem to agree that it's very mild indeed (for the fully vaxed), much like a cold. But other varieties are still out there, if in much smaller numbers..

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thank you for all your help I will leave it till next week as I have my prostap injection the morning of the party then have to drive 3hrs to get to my sisters and stay over night. I live in the countryside out of the way so have been quite lucky over the last couple of years keeping safe.

  • I agree with what most have said on here.  It is hard to make a decision on something like this.  OK maybe your sister's family and friends are sensible but are those who mix with them so sensible - who knows?  This is the thing to think on you are not just going to be with those 40 or 50 people but also with their family and friends work colleagues etc. who have mixed with them during the last week or so.  Unless everyone isolates for a week prior and takes lateral flow tests every other day you cannot be sure there will be no one there carrying the disease or with the disease and no symptoms.  - that's always the case though for anything flu,  covid, or anything else and we can't all live our lives hidden away from everyone else.  All you can do is be sensible yourself and keep yourself safe.  If you do decide not to go I am sure your sister will understand the reason and you can always take her out or ask her around to your place for a lovely meal where I am sure you would both feel safer.

    For the record we are all hearing that Omicron is not so severe, which is generally true, yet my nephew got it before Christmas was in Hospital for a week until Christmas day at 5pm and is on oxygen permanently at home.  He had to be readmitted to hospital again on New Year's Day and was in for a couple of days - he is 43 - generally fit and healthy - no comorbidities and with two little boys under 5.  He had had both vaccinations but was waiting on his booster.  I do hope he recovers well.