Bloody Covid

  • 12 replies
  • 113 subscribers

My daughter was tested positive for covid so the rest of the family had to be tested luckily we are all negative but my radiotherapy due to start tomorrow (9th dec)has to be put off.

New start date is 22nd December aagh!!


  • Hi keith

    Its better to be safe than sorry, sure your radiotherapy date will be fairly soon after your quarantine.

    Stay safe


  • Keep Safe until your radiotherapy starts Keith.

  • Cheers freefaller.

    At least any side effects I might get won't have had chance to build up so christmas shouldn't be spoilt.


  • Well that's true as you would have been hitting the 2 week mark by Christmas which would be the time for any urinary or bowel problems to kick in - though I only had one night of problems half way through my one month of radiotherapy so hope you don't get any.  Remember if you do get any problems or changes to tell the radiologists immediately as they will get something prescribed for you.  All the best and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • Merry christmas to you and yours

  • Hello Keith, yours starts on the day mine finishes. Hope all goes well for you.I have found  getting up in the night much more(4 to 5 times) plus some bowel problems,although not too bad, very tired too, have quite a travel for treatment, which was explained to me prior to treatment. Using Cetraban to keep skin moist and keeping well hydrated. Oncologist says side effects should settle some weeks after treatment ends.

    The 45 minutes waiting, after drinking the 500mls of water, to go in means you are 'bursting' after the treatment session. Make sure you know where the nearest toilet is. Lol.

    Have a good Christmas, best wishes, Graham. 

  • Hope your treatment works ok, Its the thought of what side effects might happen is the worst part.

  • Hi. Just thought I'd pass on some info my OH found really helpful.

    He will have his final fraction of radiotherapy on Tues. Initially the nocturnal toilet trips were hourly or less.  We wondered how long he could tolerate the sleep deprivation so sought help from the radiation nurses.

    They made several suggestions ie- limit drinks after 8pm, avoid caffeine, take cranberry juice etc, but he was already doing these things. 

    However, there was one piece of advice that was new to us and it made a tremendous difference almost immediately. He now takes 2 paracetamol at bedtime. Loo visits currently are 2 or 3 per night, occasionally only once. Consequently he's much less tired during the day and generally copes better with other symptoms. 

    It might not work for others but as I've seen the difference it has made to his quality of sleep I thought it would be worth sharing. 

  • Hi Granita,

    I discovered this by accident by having a Lemsip Max at bedtime. So it should work for a few others if not all. I was prescribed Tamsulosin to reduce the number of loo visits but I find it's not effective.



  • I was taking Cocodamol for a persistent headache and found the same. 5 times a night reduced to twice. Once the headache had gone I stopped taking the drug and renewed my relationship with the toilet on a regular basis. I will give the paracetamol alone a go, but am mindful that long term paracetamol can have a bad effect on the liver.