Ductal carcinoma in the pathology

  • 7 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Been avoiding telling you folks this but my hubby’s pathology shows ductal and adenocarcinoma in the biopsies. Gleason 4+3=7 … so the 4 is referring to ductal at least that’s how I understand it. I know that ductal is usually more aggressive. Does anyone here have knowledge of or experience of ductal carcinoma?

  • Hi Louli, unfortunately I have experience of intraductal plus adenocarcinoma. Have a read at my profile, it details how it has been for me. The only positive is that apparently ductal is a bit resistant to radiotherapy so removing the prostate is a good thing. 
    All the best,


  • Thank you so much.. it’s great to hear from because it’s so rare …wishing you the best

  • I am so delighted that although ductal adenocarcinoma is still rarebit aggressive you have continued on with a PSA pdf 0.1 for over 5years?? You have been through the mill with surgery and radiotherapy. However, This has given me great hope! Thank you again.. keep up the good work!

  • Was your hubby told the same as me in that ductal is a rare aggressive sub type? I was also told that they couldn’t predict how things will go. My oncologist was convinced I have micro metastasis. Since hormone therapy and radiotherapy my PSA has been <0.1. I have my next PSA test 22/12/2021. The nerves always kick in. I hope things stay good for your hubby. 


  • Well actually the biopsy results were given pre scanning by a urology nurse face to face, who just said the Gleason score of 7 which was 4+3 =7 and that there were two types of cancer. One was Ductal and the other Adenocarcinoma… and that Ductal had the potential to be more aggressive. 

    After the scans another urology nurse told us over the phone that hubby was stage 4 with bone and lung mets and that chemo and radiotherapy wasn’t an option. This was brutal because his only symptom was back pain and so all hope was taken away at that point. We went into an almighty emotional tailspin. He was told that he would continue on Prostap 3 for life. 
    No mention of Ductal or any pathology. The nurse said he MIGHT be prescribed an additional tablet. The nurse also asked US if we wanted to be referred to a specialist. Eh.. duh! Of course we replied. But we were then told that the nurse might bring the specialist in at the end of our next appointment. The words and I quote “we are not talking Christmas”!! We’re used… Well why mention it then? Some people are just not skilled enough to counsel people with an incurable diagnosis. 
    Anyway … long story short we saw a lovely Oncologist two weeks ago who was totally different who explained hubby would be on Zytiga which started this week and that chemo , radiotherapy and other treatments are very much available if and when the cancer is no longer hormone sensitive…but still no further mention of Ductal but I am glad of that for now…because  PSA has gone from 44.4  to 0.8 in a couple of months. I did my own research and I have a pharmaceutical background myself and so I know how to read a clinical paper. I know Ductal is more aggressive than Adenocarcinoma but every case is different and it is still very treatable. Look at YOU IDO4… you are still here after 5 years!! You are smashing it !!

    I’m looking forward to Christmas with hope and I can see a future for us now. I’m hoping we can do as well as all of the men here who kindly share their support and experience. I will always be grateful for this group. Hubby hates talking but I share the updates here with him. He loves it! I bought our Xmas cards and some gifts from Macmillan in support. Thanks for everything!

  • I still get surprised by the lack of skill and empathy some clinicians can have. You have both been through a very tough time but it sounds like his oncologist is really good. Zytiga plus PROSTAP are a good combination, hopefully keep things under control for a long time. Wishing you both all the best, enjoy Christmas together. 


  • Thank you… we are spending the same special joys of the season to you and your familyChristmas tree