PSA over 1000, in bones and nodes but not many symptoms

  • 3 replies
  • 109 subscribers


New here. After finding it a little more difficult to pee doc suggested a PSA test which came back over 1000. MRI's, CT,  bone scan, and biopsies confirm prostate cancer has spread to bones, spinal cord and lymph nodes, Gleason score 5+4.

I am in my mid 50s and have started hormone therapy which has brought my PSA down to approx 250 in first month. Starting Docetaxel chemo soon. No real health problems surfaced yet, anyone like to predict what awaits me and timescale? I can cope with death but sorry to admit  the thought of paralysis scares me.


  • Hi Dave, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I have tumours in my spine and pelvis and my spine tumour actually collapsed my L1 vertebrae. I had an operation to secure it all and have now recovered from the op. I have zoledronic acid bone strengthening infusions every month and have to chew calcium tablets daily so would presume you will get the same, they are to combat the bone density issues caused by the tumours and hormone treatment. Take care 



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Thank you for responding Paul.

    Sounds hopeful


  • Treatments will hopefully come quick for you Dave, as they did for me. There are alot of treatments available now for us metastatic incurables and also the bone strengthing infusions have given me confidence to get back in the gym, Ive been advised not to run anymore but I swim and walk instead to get the heart rate going. Good luck



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"