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Drug addiction combined with 2 hernias and prostate cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 113 subscribers

First time this ive been honest and said this. I have a long term muti drug addiiction  and in june diagnosed with diyble inguinal hernia and prostate cancer 63 psa and gleason score 8. Awairing hernua repairs before radiotherapy. 

However ive never mentioned the drug use side of me which i believe iam doing, what i can to be clean to the point of cold turkying as is known by for two weeks. I cant bring myself to telling my mdt. And if they knew threw all my bloods... A plethora taken. Should it not be addressed. Any similar experiences?

  • Sorry - no experience personally although my two boys did bake me some hash cookies once.  They have pretty much tried everything and possibly still do.  Sorry can't help with that.  Good for you for going cold turkey.  I hope you manage to stay clean.  I am pretty sure that blood tests are routinely screened for all sorts of things but other than the results they are sent in for these screenings are not named - ie not reported with a name so don't think your Doctor/consultant would necessarily be told unless you wish to tell them.  I have no idea how this would play out with your treatment so it may be a good idea to mention this as it may change things.  I hope someone comes along with more experience.  Other than telling your own Docs it might be a goiod idea to run this past some one at Macmillan or Prostate UK specialist Cancer nurses - a free phone number 0800 074 8383 the lines are open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm and Wednesday 10am -  8pm

  • You need to tell them. You don't have time to worry about that now: you just have to tell them, so they can plan around it. And you really do need to tell them, because whatever you are taking can and will affect whatever treatment they give you.

    At this time, you need to prioritise. The hernias don't matter, (they can be sorted with PCa surgery or left for another day), the addiction doesn't matter (it can be left for another day, but the doctors need to know). The cancer does matter, and while PCa is a relatively slow cancer, it won't wait while you fret about non-life-threatening issues.

    Sorry to be brutal, but that's the way it is.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Lol thnx fir lightening the subject with the hash cake. 


  • I have mentioned this my addiction which i am terribly ashamed of. But it seems they had not heard me. I agree your synopsis. You spelll it out so well. I suppose im early days with my treatment plan. Six months in but no hernia repairs b4 radiotherapy... Am i doing someybing wrong? My drs surgery promised last fridsy to contact my mdt tram and see whats happening and phone me back today. But ive heard nothing back. Lost in limbo or what

    Im sure many of us are in the same situation and dont like making waves. Im am trying so hatd to no avail. 


  • I have called macmillan and for the second week in a riow they keep reiterating spinal compressession when i tell them hiw im feeling over the last three weejs kinda at a loss what or where to turn. 


  • You will have to ring them if they don't get back to you when they say they will.  If they said they would ring on Friday I would wait until I hadn't heard on Monday and ring them on Tuesday.  It could very well be that they are waiting to hear from the hospital but keep chasing them up politely.  If the GP surgery can't seem to get any information then ring your consultants secretary and ask them what is happening.  I am sure there is treatment for spinal compression and you could get stronger painkillers from your GP.

  • Ji thanx freefaller. I have an mdt meeting tomorrow so im going to tell them as it is and respectufully take their advice.. Hope i dont  clam up and day wahat i think yhey want me to say. Im so gutted miyh my own stupidtity. Anyway , om sure ill post again. Hopefully more posotive next time. See ya all take care. 


  • Depends on which drugs you addicted to? And how you managing it all.

    If you got worx hanging out your arm, coke can with a stone on it? Then may need look at addressing it?

    If your not stage 4 cancer, you may have dodged a bullet.

    If you have got stage 4

    Maybe it's time to open eyes and enjoy living the life you got?

    Good luck dude