Hot flushes

  • 8 replies
  • 112 subscribers

As part of my treatment for prostate cancer I am having hormone injections,  since having them I been getting hot flushes especially at night. Anything I can do to help me, its starting to get me down. 

  • Hello Putz,

                     I am on Prostap injections monthly and similarly have been having hot flushes / sweats . I kept a diary and over a 12 hour period ,, had 22. I spoke to my Cancer Care co-Ordinator and she referred me for acupuncture x 10 sessions at our hospital's Holistic centre (James Cook , Middlesbrough). Have had 2 sessions (5 needles in each ear, painless , and sit and relax for 40 minutes , once a week) . Told that if it is going to work I will notice improvement after 5 to 6 sessions. Have had very good success rate they say. Willing to try anything as very debilitating . Am also taking Evening Primrose oil capsules , one daily. I know how you feel  and hope you can get some relief . The acupuncture is free for my 10 sessions but if I want to continue it will be £10 a session (monthly) which if it works that is fine by me. Best wishes , Graham.

  • Thanks Graham as you stated its very debilitating, I'm willing to try everything, haven't had a good  night's sleep  for months. 

  • It certainly is worth a try. Same here , day and night .

  • Hi

    I have 3 monthly Prostap and hot flushes are a bit of a pain. I have lived with them nearly 2 years. They are quite debilitating unless, controlled in some way.

    I haven't attempted to stop them,  I just take off a jumper, or throw off the covers at night. This seems to work for me. The downside is, 5 minutes later, the jumper or covers are back on again.

    I think others on here take Sage capsules, and there may be other possible solutions, which someone can suggest.

    In my experience the hot flushes are worst at the beginning - or maybe I've just got used to them!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Yep night hot flushes are not good, I am trying sage tablets which appear to be helping a little bit but dont stop them so may try the evening primrose also.

    All my wife says is "hah now you know how I was feeling with them, payback."


  • I've had one dose of Prostap 3 monthly and the hot flushes are starting to get very regular and annoying, so I sympathise. I used to wear pullovers, but now I wear a fleece which is easier to put on and off. Also, I have a two tier bedding system - thin blanket, big duvet and chuck the duvet off when too hot. The blanket seems to keep me from freezing when the hot flush passes! About to give Sage and Evening Primrose a go. It all seems par for the course, but is better than the alternative.

  • Some people have good results with evening primrose and Sage - others get medication from their GP if the hot flushes are really bad.  Other than that wear layers so they can be taken off when a hot flush strikes and the same with bedclothes - avoid man made fibres as much as possible.

  • Diet, alcohol (unfortunately red wine) have significant impact. Hot flushes then cold sweats. Feeling absolutely useless today, too mch wine and late night. Price we have to pay.  Am interested in acupuncture has it worked for anyone. There are so many snake oil salesman i find it hard to sort wheat from the chaff