Treatment after MRI scan

  • 8 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Any advice on How I should go on with treatment after my MRI scan.

I have had the MRI about a month ago and am due to see my consultant this coming week.

I have low grade prostate cancer with a Gleason3+3 pT1amy last PSA was 3.5Mg/ml.

I am wondering what treatment I should go for. ie. Active surveillance or Watch and wait.  

My guess is the consultant will want to go for watch and wait as he has been so slow getting to my diagnosis ( Two Years )

Which means less for him to do.

Any advice on this  or any one who has had either treatment with how they go on.

Looking forward to some replies. 


  • Hi Les, 

     It can be a good idea to have a look at the Prostate Cancer UK website as they have a fantastic folder of booklets - which you can view on line called the Prostate Cancer Toolkit and it has all the information anyone could need at the point of diagnosis and beginning to make decisions about treatment options.  this can be followed up with more in depth pamphlets on the individual treatments.

    Your treatment options all depend on what is found at MRI and what options you are given for treatment after the Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting.  Your PSA and gleason is low so active surveillance could be an option but make sure it is active surveillance with 3 monthly PSA checks and annual biopsies and MRI's and if anything changes that the team are quick to move forward with treatment.  Brachytherapy may also be an option - my brother had this for a Gleason 6 (3+3) a couple of years ago and although had a few minor side effects for about 3 months - easily sorted by medication he is now fine with undetectable PSA - as am I after a higher  gleason  score of 7 (3+4)  5 years post 9 months of Hormone Therapy and 20 sessions of radiotherapy and my PSA is still undetectable - never feel safe again though.  PSA test due in the next couple of months  Here's hoping that it is still undetectable.

    It all depends on what is found from the MRI as quite often the position of the tumour and your own medical history - cheerfully called co-morbidities by the medical profession will have a bearing on all of this.  For instance before MRI prostate removal was one of my options but after he MRI it could be seen that the tumour was at the back of the prostate pushing into the rectum and the urologist thought there was no way of knowing whether or not any cancer cells had escaped into that area.  So immediately the removal was off the agenda and Hormone treatment followed by radiotherapy was the best way to deal with my particular case as the radiotherapy would in their words"blast the whole area" so that any escaped cancer cells would be hit within that area. It does look 5 years on as if they were right and this has a fforded me a probable cure as they promised.

    Remember we are all different so once you have all test and scan results in and your consultant oncologist, surgeon and radiologist (if applicable can give you their opinions on the treatments they offer then it is good to research all the options in detail and choose which one would suit you the best.  It is not an easy job!

    All the best and let us know what happens.

  • Hi freefeller 

    thanks for your reply.

    My age is 74 and my last PSA reading was 3.5mg.

    I will let you know what they have to say after my visit on Wednsday

  • Hi

    PSA/Gleeson obviously low, a good contender for AS. As Freefaller has said plenty of checks to monitor and as long as cancer is well contained within the gland, the MRI will tell u that. 

    I was on AS for 4 years before having Radiotherapy.  : Let us know when u know more

    Good luck


  • You are just a little older than I was when I was diagnosed.  Keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome for you.

  • I had Gleason 7(4+3)had 6months hormone therapy then 24 sessions radiotherapy... y psa was undetectable at first but in last year it's risen by 0.2ng every three months and now it stands at 0.9,also they're now saying that a biochemical recurrence is now 1.5ng or above...I was treated 2018/19....So yeah it's like living under a black cloud all the time

  • Personally I would ask if you can get it out or go down the hormone treatment radiotherapy route...Gleason 6 is still cancer at the end of the day albeit slow growing...yes there's side effects of either treatment but at least it's probablies curable at this point

  • Hi guys Good news is my PSA was lower and the MRI Scans found one small spot of cancer in the prostate so we are going for Active surveillance with PSA tests every four months.