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yesturday i had my Biopsy, as my PSA has been high on the last 2 bloods , had MRI two weeks again and now just waiting for the result off the 24 sample they took .. 

i keep reading horror story about what's next , i know i should not but im 47 and got so much to do.. in have had chronic lower back pain over the lock down, was shielding most of it.. on Testosterone replacement therapy since 2015 , over lock down my type 2 diabetes came back which i had put in remission since 2017 which was a hard pill to swallow :( now just playing the waiting game , have no energy at all even after my 8 weekly jab for testosterone which has had no impact since the high psa reading 

wife say dont stress about it till we get the results but i am and i will.. anyone got any advice - trying to think positive and push forward but there a huge cloud over my head and cant think past that , not told the family or kids yet which if it is the worst not sure how i can even do that :( 

  • what where ur psa numbers ? 

  • not sure not taken much notice of that think they said 6.5

  • higher than it should be at ur age , but its not excessive ! 

    there's no point dwelling on it too much until u get ur biopsy and scan results .

    hopefully its contained and treatable ur young so maybe its been caught early .

    while waiting for my results i told myself whatever the result it wasnt gonna change my life .

    my gp and urologist said they thought i had cancer so i prepared myself for that outcome 

    one thing i will say helped me is being positive and everybody around me being positive !

  • easier said than done tho, but i am trying , just renew my passport for the 1st time in 20yrs  trying to keep open mind that what ever it is will not alter what im doing but i know it will, at some point.. they worries cause it jump very high form past years in couple of months but they that concerned to check .. - like you said hopefully if it is some thing it bee caught early but the other worrie is if it not what causing all my other problems - so it a endless circle 

  • PSA is not particularly high, I know that you waiting on biopsy results but I see u have had your MRI already.

    MRI can tell u a fair bit,, see if u can get hold of a copy of MRI report, it can tell u size and location, biopsy won't necessarily tell u that 


  • none of this helping to be honest think i just delete this account and try again everyone seems to be a arm chair specialist : ( supportive really .. thanks all 

  • If you do have prostate cancer the testosterone replacement therapy is actually feeding the cancer cells which are highly likely to be there,it's no good wrapping yourself in cotton wool,prepare for the worst and anything else is a bonus,I dare say if it is cancer the testosterone therapy will cease and you could be put on a hormone to stop your body producing psa was only 5.78 and was diagnosed with Gleason 7 (4+3)......nothing showed in mri, prostate felt normal on dre then 2weeks after biopsy got told I had a medium growing cancer,there is no way a urologist would give you test replacement therapy if u have cancer.....yes was a big shock to me as I went to gym for 30 years and was full of testosterone,then to go with none not to mention the weight gain,loss of muscle mass,hot flushes,sore tits !!! Seems to me that a couple of people who have replied to your original statement are optimistic without having the actual facts...if you have cancer then ask about the long term effects of radiation/hormone treatment on your sex life and the possibility of incontinence with the op !!! I say things because I know several people who have had both treatments and now suffering with the Long Term effects of either treatment.....I opted for the hormone treatment and 24 sessions of high dose radiotherapy because I work for myself and couldn't take the time off work to recuperate from the I say prepare for the worst anything else is a bonus,I wish you well on your journey,no doubt others wouldn't be so blunt but it's no good hiding away from actual facts,everyone is different 're their treatments...there's a 30 to 40%chance of a recurrence anyway after treatment as I'm finding out myself as I have a biochemical recurrence because my psa has reached 2.2ng and have to have further tests,this isn't an armchair comment,I'm just stating facts,stay strong for your partner as she will be it bits aswell

  • Not sure that I understand the armchair bit, people are just trying to help and give advice.

    As I have said if u can ask for a copy of your MRI report it is possible that the results could put your mind at rest to an extent although I realise u r still waiting on your biopsy results.

    Don't forget your PSa is only slightly above where it should be

  • The worst part of all this is waiting for test results and reports.  It is very hard to keep calm whilst waiting and the best thing I found is to do yoga breathing - especially in the wee small hours when you wake up and start turning everything over in your mind.  When your biopsy results and MRI reports are in the Drs concerned will usually have a Multi disciplinary team (MDT) meeting to discuss how to treat you. and then will come back with your treatment options.  Only you can choose which treatment option is right for you so it is good that you are obviously looking for advice and information.  Usually these MDT meetings take place once or twice a week so you may find you will have a wait of up to a couple of weeks to get this.  Just try and keep going as normal which will distract you a little from just sitting and thinking about the worst possible scenario absolutely all the time.  It is very hard to tell your family and I found the best thing to do was just to say it as soon as they say how are you just say - well actually I have ...  ...  ...   but I have a meeting with or what ever.  I found that if you tried to phone or visit people and then prepare them with I have something to tell you it made it far worse - that's just me.  In my opinion you are right not to tell your wider family and friends until you actually have something to tell them.  Personally I think the time to tell your wider circle is when you have results of all tests and scans in and can tell them the whole story.   this also means that you really only have to tell them once rather than try and keep them updated with results of tests and scans ans the journey goes on. There is no way they can imagine - unless they have gone through this, what it is like to have to wait what seems an eternity for test results and appointments before you get to the stage of knowing exactly what you have and what is wrong and the way forward.

    All the very best.  You have come to the right place to get support here ad we have all gone through this.

    Take care

  • yes the waiting is the hardest part, trying to push forward have not told the family or kids yet as nothing to report.. but hard. luckily seeing a old mate at the weekend who has been through it and will help me get stuff off my mind .. 

    avoiding looking on line as to the what if and maybes .. i just want to know one way or the other what's happing and just waiting for the letter to land in the post.. 

    trying to think positive but as stated its hard to turn off , ya thinking what if and over the last 4 years lost to many mates to Cancer and even the though of this fills me with dread..  

    have dark days you just want to keep driving till you run out of road and escape everyone .. keep being to not not stress and not to worrie but that is impossible to do :(