Hello And My Journey So Far

  • 8 replies
  • 112 subscribers

Hi Everybody! 

I have joined this forum today as I have read many stories over the last few weeks that have reassured me, made me smile and made me more hopeful with regards my experience so far. 

In short I am hoping that I can get some of your opinions on what has happened so far and also on a development I have had today. 

I went to the Doctors initially as I was struggling with urinating, I’d also had some pains in that area and as I am a fit and healthy, active 64 year old this was worrying me and my family. The first time I went about this was during the pandemic, at that point the Doctor did not see this as an issue after some routine tests. 

The problem didn’t get any better and so I went back in September where I had blood tests (all came back fine, all major organs working as expected) and then I was sent for an MRI scan. The Pirad score came back as a five which really knocked me for seven and I started to worry a little at this point. 

A biopsy followed. I haven’t had any results back but I had a text message to say I have a follow up appointment next week. I then got home and to my surprise I had a letter confirming the appointment next week as well as a letter confirming a bone scan the day before. 

I just wondered what your experiences are regarding this. Are bone scans standard protocol after prostate cancer diagnosis? 

I’m shocked I know all this before I’ve had any information at all on my biopsy results. 

Thank you in advance! 

  • Hi John and welcome

    When u had blood test did that include a PSA test,,?

    Try not too worry at this stage, u need further tests and biopsy results to evaluate properly.

    Even if it is PC there are many treatment options. Keep us posted

    Best wishes


  • Hi John

    Welcome to the club that no one wants to join, Sorry to here your symptoms I am sure the guys on here will tell you that all the testing is part of the package

    Once the doctors have all the results it is then that can tell you more, I know the waiting and not knowing is hard but hang on in there we are here if you need to talk

    Good luck


  • Hi Steve they did a PSA, I haven’t been told the level just that it is “raised” according to my pre-op biopsy consent forms.

    I assumed that as I have a bone scan it must be cancer, as my biopsy happened two weeks ago and all the appointments came at once?

    It feels as though the results (which were due anyway) has sparked the follow up appt to discuss the results and the bone scan. 

    Thank You! 

  • Hi John,

    Yes, a bone scan is standard procedure after the MRI to see if there might be any metasteses in the bones. The MRI will pick up any spread to the lymph system but can't see bone mets.

    I hope that puts your mind at rest and good luck with your diagnosis and treatment.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Are bone scans standard protocol after prostate cancer diagnosis? 

    Absolutely routine part of the investigation. 

    Like most cancers, PCa will metastasise, and bones are probably the most common destination.

    The bone scan is part of a range of tests that will determine whether or not you have cancer, where it is, if it's definite, and whether it's 'curable' (even if it's not, remission can be achieved for most people). The scan was probably arranged before the biopsy result came back.

    If you have cancer, the tests will also decide your TNM score (tumour, nodes, metastases), which will determine which treatment options are available to you.

    Once the tests are complete, there'll be a multidisciplinary meeting where they are discussed, then they'll talk to you.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thank you very much for your response. I would have assumed the same other than the letters were sent on the same date for my follow up appointment and for the bone scan, the bone scan being the day before. 

    Your response has made me feel much better.

  • Thank you very much for your response and yes it has put my mind at rest a little. 

  • This often happens John as the letters will come from two different departments in the hospital and you find they seldom co-ordinate things.  I have even been sent for the same tests at two different hospitals.  Unfortunately didn't realise it until I was actually there - second hospital about 55 miles away from home and i had had the tests the week before at our local hospital - about 6 miles from home.  Thought I was going to see a consultant but first thing they sent me to lab for tests and I told the receptionists but I had these tests last week - he then took me to see the consultant who rang our local hospital and I went home - again!  Another time I had an appointment at a hospital 3 hours drive away - no reason to question it because it was with my consultant.  It was close to Christmas - November time so my wife booked a hotel for the night and was going to do some Christmas shopping.  Booked in - they were running 2 hours late so sat and waited and waited - thank goodness for puzzle books.  The consultant came out and saw me and said "why are you here?   I saw you last month I don't need to see you again until your scan in December!  Who sent the letter?  Showed him the letter sent by a nurse specialist ( at another hospital) and he said unless my secretary sends you a letter contact her to see if you really need to see me!  So eventually had a nice afternoon shopping and went to the cinema and had super meal in smart hotel - but all this could have waited until my scan.  Sometimes Admin is a little haywire and nowadays with Covid I imagine it can't be any better!

    All these scans are for an overview of what is happening with the cancer cells.  What was your PSA reading John?