
  • 3 replies
  • 110 subscribers

My husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He’s had his first hormone injection. His PSA has now gone down to an acceptable level. However, it has spread to his spine, thorax, and lymph notes,. He’s also having problems with his eyesight and we are now booked in for an MRI on Sunday. I’m having a mini Breakdown and I don’t know what to say to help him. Any advice

  • Hi Jane

    Try and stay positive - difficult I appreciate.  Attend all calls/appointments with him. Take copious notes; get a list of questions you both want answers to. If my partner hadn't been at my meetings, I would have missed pretty much everything that was said after the C word. I came out in a complete daze.

    I suppose I'm saying just be there for him.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Jane

    First sorry for your husbands condition, he will be in great hands, the oncologist and special nurses have dealt with many people with similar conditions as your husband, a plan would have been worked out for his treatment.

    There are a lot of wives, partners and family that come on here all our very worried about what might happen. My wife is the same, it broke her heart when we were told I was incurable, so I took all the treatments they could throw at me, here I’am over five years later still fighting away, even though my wife still worries about me climbing the stairs. So your not on your own it’s only natural, if you need some help McMillan nurses can come and visit, their really experienced in giving information and listening, just try and keep him positive, I have more or less the same condition as your husband, the team will do what’s right for him, there will be ups and downs part of the fighting process, just try to be strong for the two of you.

    Stay safe


  • You may find it useful to contact the specialist  Prostate Cancer UK nurses - there is a free phone number 0800 074 8383 and the telephone lines are open Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 9am - 6pm and Wed. 10am - 8pm.  My wife and I found them a great help and telephoned them countless times during the early stages of diagnosis and treatment. 

    My wife found that she fared best when she was proactive so was always researching, treatments, hospitals and Doctors and charities who may be able to help at various stages which was a great help to me.  Came to all appointments - recorded some of them on her phone so that we didn't miss anything - you can do that but ask first..  All in all a great help.  We can't change anything only the way we react to things so make the best of things and the most of every day.