Moving on

  • 4 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Good evening all,

As promised, this is what FaceBook would call my status. About an hour ago, the urology nurse specialist phoned me to tell me that both bone and CT scans are clear. To say I am relieved would be to do euphoria an injustice. These guys are in a class of their own, my CT was yesterday morning and they had the MDT meeting this morning, conference with the Onc. surgeons about prostatectomy (who ruled it out because of my age) and arranged an appointment with the oncologist. In a climate of understaffing, underfunding and general mayhem, I’d say they are magicians. Shout out for Forth Valley Royal Hospital. 

I understand that I still have cancer but my horizons have expanded. Where I was preparing myself for not seeing the grandweans reaching the “Qually”, I’m now tentatively hoping to see them sitting Highers - or even going to university. 

I’m terrified by the prospect of gaining weight, as discussed elsewhere, hot glushes - love that word - and other side effects. But I’m grateful to have the opportunity to experience them. 

In solidarity

Richard the Shellback

  • Congratulations!

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Brilliant news.  Keep exercising as you normally would all through your treatment and you won't notice the hot flushes and fatigue so much.  Take tips off your wife about managing the hot flushes - if you have them - I honestly didn't notice them until I cam off the HT when they were going I noticed them more, and just remember many women have these from the age of mid fifties for the rest of their lives.  Once we stop HT they slowly go away.  

    Your health care has been brilliant and it's good to see how good it can be especially at these weird times.

    All the best.

  • Thanks Heinous but the credit is due to the guys n gals at FVRH! I appreciate your thoughts though. 

    Richard the Shellback 

    Richard the Shellback

    The situation is desperate - but not serious.

  • Hello Freefaller,

    It surely is, a weight lifted. I’m about to order a treadmill to comply with your suggestion, gyms are not my style and walking becomes less alluring in the rainy season. My wife, normally a tower of inspirational strength, has proved useless in the item of hot flushes. She went through the menopause without so much as a warm flush. I hope it runs in the family. 

    I refuse to be frightened by reports of unpleasant side effects, terrified perhaps but not frightened. In any event, dealing with things as they arise is always a good plan. 

    I am grateful for your good wishes and for the support I have found here. I know I am in the best hands with the medical team and I’m blessed to have the NHS at my back. 

    In solidarity,

    Richard the Shellback

    Richard the Shellback

    The situation is desperate - but not serious.