Taking 1/2 day holidays to cover Radiation Appointments - Did anyone else?

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  • 115 subscribers

I have Gleason7 (3+4) PC and am due to start 20 Radiation treatments on 5th October.  I am thinking of taking 1/2 day holidays from work to cover these.  I am hoping that the side effects will be minimal.  Work is like therapy to me and I want to keep working as much as possible.

By the time of my first Radiation treatment, that will be my 31st medical appointment this year.  It's not just the Cancer, I have a load of other pre-existing conditions.

In myself I feel fine physically, but mentally is another thing.  The hormones have taken over.

It is the money situation I am more concerned about rather than my health.  Sick pay is a no-no, just the £90 odd quid for SSP.

I have tried applying for benefits, but "I am working and have my own property" and am ineligible for just about everything.  PIP is a joke, by the time I get a decision...

  • Hi Steve

    I had my appointments at 8am each day, afterwards went straight to work, mainly driving.

    Main side effect was constipation, depends what kind of work u do I suppose to understand if side effects may make things difficult for you 


  • Hi Grundo,

    Thanks for that.  My job is an Administrator in a Slaughterhouse of all places.

    No physical work.  My first appointment is for 2:30pm.  If I could get them all in the afternoons...

    Just a case of wait and see and deal with any side effects as and when.

    At the moment I am having more good days than bad.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • I think you'll be ok, an office job obviously near a toilet, what more could u ask for ,  

    Good luck

  • Cheers,

    It is the "fear of the unknown" that gets me.  Once I have had the first treatment I should be okay.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve

    Usually any side effects don't kick in for a couple of weeks so be aware.

    I checked out where all the public loos were on my 45min  trip to the hospital but never had to take advantage of any.

    I strongly recommend you get a copy of the diet sheet from the RT team and follow it to the letter. 

    Regarding finances - I think there is a Macmillan  team on here who might be able to advise you.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Stuart, there are never any loos open these days.  Luckily I am only 10 minutes from the hospital.

    I'll ask about the diet sheet when I go in for my preparation MRI & CT Scan).

    I've asked Macmillan about anything I may be entitled to, but unfortunately I am not entitled to anything.

    Just have to grind and bear it.


    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Ask your cancer treatment centre if they have either early appointments or late.  My cancer centre started working around 8am and was still  working at 8 or even 9 o'clock at night.  They will usually try and fit you in if they can at times that suit you.  All mine were close to mid day because I travelled to and from the centre at weekends so could get away in plenty of time to get home - a 3 hour drive and the same coming back on Monday. 

    All the best.

  • Hi Steve

    Sorry when I said public loos I meant public houses rather than Council operated loos -  which I agree have disappeared off the face of the Earth!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • It may be a good idea to buy a radar key for the locked disabled loos they cost about £5 -£10 from Amazon.  I didn't really find that a problem and didn't have to stop the car either on the way to or from the hospital after treatment - I probably had a half hour drive back to where I was staying through city traffic.

  • Hi Steve, with regards to the RT the first appointment is a planning appointment, they will line you up and tattoo you permanently with 3 dots. This makes it easier to line you up for the ongoing RT sessions.

    You will also be given your self enemas, which are meant to clear the bowel around the gland, not a full blown clear out.

    You are to self enema at home 45 minutes before RT, it took me 55 to drive to the hospital, I just arrived early and completed everything at the hospital.

    I had read the warnings about possible double incontinence so bought adult pull-ups, did not need them as I had no side effects at all, but everyone is different.

    The RT has worked the prostate cancer is shrinking, my urine flow is better than it has been for years, I can even stand up like a big boy now, little things mean a lot.

    I'm sure you will cope very well, all the best Ulls