A four month wait ...

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  • 112 subscribers


My husband was initially diagnosed with prostate cancer 3 years ago PSA 70. 

After a course of radiotherapy and hormone therapy (Zoladex) PSA came down to around 1/2.

Symptoms / problems resurfaced earlier this year when a large lymph swelling appeared on his neck. Tests confirmed cancer had spread to one of his ribs. He was put back on he hormone therapy and booked an appointment for four months time. 

PSA test results today 75, so looks to me that the hormone therapy did nothing. So for the last four months I feel like we’ve just been wasting time.

Appreciate thoughts.

  • Hi GK 

    Sorry to hear about your husband.

    When he finished his treatment did they continue to do PSA Tests up until the problems resurfaced. What was PSa just before he started hormones again?

    Sorry to ask but it seems a bit of a puzzle at the moment.



  • Sorry to hear about your husband's relapse, but as Grundo says, a little more info would help.

    From what you're saying, it appears that his PSA has risen, or at least failed to fall. But what about the swelling, or other symptoms? has anything changed in how he is in himself?

    I'd not view the HT as a waste at all, it was a four month trial of hormone therapy, which, sadly, may have turned out to be ineffective against the cancer. There are other options, which will be discussed, but had the hormone therapy been more effective, they could have been kept for another day.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Thank you - hospital appointment next week so hope to get more information.

  • Thanks for response.

    Initially radiotherapy, then hormone treatment- PSA right down to less than 1. Finished hormone treatment but started with back pain. Cancer spread to rib so back on HT and watch and wait for 4 months. PSA Test this week prior to appointment at Christie next week and PSA is now 75. 

    Hope to get explanation next week.

    thanks for taking time to respond

  • He’s not well at all - losing weight, not eating/sleeping at night , so grumpy ( understandable). Lump on neck has grown considerably since first appeared but unchanged in last few weeks. He’s really down because of increased psa

  • Consider alternative treatment.  you don't mention an age but faced with the decision I opted for RP and haven't looked back since. 

  • HT can't get rid of the cancer but can keep it at bay for some time. There are people who have been on HT many years but it doesn't work like that for everyone. If the treatment your husband is on has stopped working there are other treatments including other HT treatments that can be used.

    As u say hopefully more info next week.


  • What is RP. My husband Prostate cancer with mets  in lots of places not and we have been told nothing can be done anymore soo just wondered what RP is 

  • What is RP. My husband Prostate cancer with mets  in lots of places not and we have been told nothing can be done anymore soo just wondered what RP is 

  • I assume that RP is radical prostatectomy I.e surgery to remove prostate.Please could the experienced sufferers remember that less experienced people are not always clued up about medical terminology,acronyms etc.