Hello all. Just been Diagnosed with Prostate cancer.

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  • 111 subscribers

Hello All

In July i was diagnosed with prostate cancer by a biospy after a Turp operation.

It is a low grade cancer.

While I have to wait for the prostate to heal now for 3/4 months before I can have a MRI scan. This seems a long wait with only one PSA blood test in this time.

Not a easy wait to find out if it is spreading.


  • Hi Les.

    I'm sorry that you have had to come here but welcome to the forum. You will obviously have to wait a while before you will get your Gleason score and staging, but don't worry Prostate Cancer is very slow growing and not much will change in the next few months.

    I was referred for tests in January 2018 with a PSA of 11 and started treatment eight months later when my PSA had reached 15 and that was before Covid took hold. I was finally diagnosed at the age of 71 with PSA of 15, Gleason 4+5=9 and staging of T3A N0 M0. I was offered surgery or HT/RT and chose the latter as I am very active. I had 20 sessions of RT in Feb/Mar 2019 and have just finished three years of Prostap injections. So far all is well as my PSA is undetecable but things might change as the last of the hormone treatment depletes.

    Good luck with whatever treatment path you choose and please come back with any questions you may have.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hi les

    Normally when they say low grade, it means the cancer has not spread and is very curable, how they do this the treatment that is will be up to your oncologist. Let’s hope all the tests scans etc are as I’ve mentioned.

    Any wait for results or tests regrading PC can play on the mind. I would be stupid saying just try to put it to the back of your mind, but do your best to do that, stay positive we are all here when you need help.

    Stay safe


  • It is frustrating, but unfortunately these things can't be avoided. Be reassured that  - compared to many - prostate cancer, especially in early stages, is a slow moving thing. Investigations need to be thorough to ensure that all viable treatment options can be considered. That usually takes a few months.

    Meanwhile, it's also well worth reading the 'toolkit' for general advice.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Hi Les , know how you feel. I'm 55 and have had no symptoms until 4 weeks ago and then they were very mild. Just a slight increase in frequency. Blood test showed up a PSA level of 46 . Don't know who was surprised the most , me or my doctor. Now I'm in the waiting list for staging ,scans,ect . 

    It's a scary time but one day at a time as my wife says.

    Good luck

  • Hi Les, a low grade cancer is way better than an agressive one, but you are so right about waiting, very worrying,dont let worry steel your life, just live to the full, no news is good news.

    All the best Ulls