On my way after treatment

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  • 111 subscribers

Just had interview with my oncologist after finishing radiotherapy treatment. My PSA is now 0.03, I have no side effect of incontinence, only E.D. She says there is no way of overcoming that, and with the prostap injections going on to May 2022 I am worried I could get penis atrophy. Has anyone tried small regular doses of Viagra/ Cialis to help increase blood flow and circulation to penis ? I can only take a quarter tablet as it tends to increase my heart rate if I take half a tablet. The idea is not to get a full blown erection just to try to keep blood vessels healthy.


  • Unfortunately advice on sexual problems following prostate treatment isn't too good sometimes but you can obtain reliable information on sites such as Prostate Cancer UK if you haven't looked there already. They have a free publication called "Prostate Cancer and Your Sex Life" which might give you some useful information. 

    Many use a VED (vacuum erection device) to maintain good blood flow and prevent atrophy when a natural erection isn't possible to keep things working and healthy pending improvements when you stop taking the drugs. I don't know if you've considered this? There are "medical grade" devices which can be expensive but for some these are available on prescription so your GP might be able to help. Otherwise much cheaper devices are available from online sex equipment suppliers which are much cheaper. You might like to read up on these if you're inclined to try one out.

     I hope you get it sorted successfully.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi Dougie 

    That's a long time to continue on the hormones.

    Have u talked with the oncologist about  the necessity for that?

    What were your original stats just before treatment ie PSA, Gleeson, what did the MRI report say, all important stuff and relative to the amount of treatment required.



  • Thanks for the info guys, will follow it up. The results from investigation in October 2020 were:

    38cc prostate (PSA DENSITY 0.33) suspicious 2cm area left peripheral zone.

    Diagnosis T3a NO adenocarcinoma prostate, Gleason 3+4 =7

    12/20 Neoadjuvant Prostap commenced.

    First 3 monthly Prostap injection on 27/11/20

    20 x radiotherapy sessions now completed. PSA 0.03

    Regards, Dougie.

  • Hi Dougie

    It's just outside the gland hence the necessity for hormones. Looks like non aggressive type so hopefully the RT has sorted it.

    PSa very good at .03. could still be worth asking your oncologist if  u must continue with HT until  May '22.

    Best wishes


  • Thanks Steve, I feel very blest as I have come through treatment with very little side effects, in fact it has improved my bowel movements to normality as I tended to suffer from constipation for years. In spite of what I have read I eat like a horse and have not put weight on from the HT, and have lost a stone through the whole treatment since October. The main thing that has changed is the lack of libido which is not that important at 75 as it could have been at at younger age. By the way, how did you see the tumour was just outside the gland from the medical description ?

    Best wishes, Dougie

  • Hi Dougie 

    In your stats u said T3a, that indicates that has just broken thru.

    T3b would have meant that had spread to the seminal vesicles, still curable though.

    Anyway it's good that u had Radiotherapy as it had just broken thru,  surgery  an option if contained.


  • The way you usually see the position of the tumour (mine was close to the edge of the gland) when having MRI.  Did you have an MRI before starting treatment? 

  • Hi Dougie. I use a VED after surgery last year. It was provided on prescription so if you want to try one, you could check with your GP, see if he/she will prescribe. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy and effective. (Also quite easy to hurt yourself a wee bit so if you go for one, do follow the instructions to start with!Smile).

  • freefaller, yes I had an MRI, I saw the tumour like yours it was close to the edge of the gland at the time. After that I had the biopsy which concerned me that it could cause the cancer to  spread more easily.