Sick Pay with Cancer

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  • 109 subscribers

I'm into my 3rd month, diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Met the Oncologist on the 31st July. Finally got the stage, (Gleason 7 (3+4 with a couple of 5s, Intermediate Risk, confined to Prostate, hopefully only be on Hormones for 12 months, depending on how it all goes).

I want to try and work as much as possible. Hopefully my Radiation sessions will be in the afternoons, the Oncologist asked my preference.

If I go sick off work with Cancer I won't get anything for the first 3 days, then only SSP (£95 a week, I think).

If I was off, self isolating I would get full pay.

Is that fair!!!

I asked at work and they say they can't do anything about it.

Getting full pay whilst off with Cancer, any Cancer should entitle you to full Sick pay wherever you work.

I've tried applying for PIP, total waste of time. I am not entitled to anything anywhere because

I am still working but am struggling to cope.

Talking about Cancer on these forums helps, also I go to a couple of Men's Cancer Groups at Maggie's in Newcastle.

  • Hi steve, it is good news that your cancer is confined to the gland, two of my friends had this diagnosis and have been given the all clear, I hope you get the same result. I get my hormone treatment from Sunderland phenix unit and my radiotherapy at Newcastle Freeman, first visit they explain what is going on and to give you 3 permanent dots one on each hip and one one your stomach, so they can set you up for the RT, my earliest appointment was 8am but all the rest were around 11.30 to 12 they will move appointments if you ask, looking forward to hearing further good news from you, all the best, Ulls