Urinary tract infections

  • 8 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi, I haven't been on here for a while. I had RT that ended in November and after around 4 weeks I had a UTI. I took the antibiotics and it cleared. Since then I've had 6 more UTIs and, just to be awkward, had a bad reaction to one of the antibiotics. It's making me feel really low as I don't see any way of clearing them up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks wavy s

  • Other than ensuring that you drink plenty of water - 2 litres a day not sure what to suggest.  My Gran always used to swear by drinking barley water but whether or not that helped at all I don't know.  I*t may be worth speaking to your consultant or specialist nurse about this.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Thanks Freefaller at the moment I'm willing to try almost anything. Looking into D Manoose whatever that is, but my GP said it might be worth a try. 

    1. You have had many antibiotics I presume , try some Pro biotics to  give good gut bacteria.
    2. As has already been said, plenty of water and also pure pomegranate juice
    3. Try and limit red meat and fried foods to lower inflammation temporarily.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thanks Steve I've just started the probiotics and I do feel that they are having an effect. I had Trimethaprim and it literally killed off all the good bacteria in my gut but it's starting to come back bit by bit.


  • Lets hope it works.  Got to look that up.

  • Hi. My husband has had numerous UTIs and antibiotics. He was admitted to hospital a few weeks ago as his kidneys where in a bad way from them. They have come to the conclusion that his prostate cancer is preventing him emptying his bladder properly and the retained urine is getting infected. He was getting up 6 or 7 times in the night and only passing little bits despite drinking plenty.They fitted him with a catheter in the hospital. This caused huge amounts of pain and didn’t drain well and leaked a lot. After being told by various medics that this was normal, finally a wonderful district nurse saw him and took it out immediately. A second one was fitted and he’s had no pain at all. It’s amazing how much urine he now passes and touch wood….. no more infections!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Carpetbagger

    Hi carpet bagger

    All I can say is wow. I'm now about to try a different catheter to see if it will help stop the infections.

    I really feel for your husband and I hope he is bearing up through all of that. Please give him my best regards and keep yours and your husbands chin up.

    Best wishes
