After brachy treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Just thought I’d put an update on, as I find people’s experiences helpful, so this may help others in the same way.

I had my brachy seed implants 10 days ago, 66 seeds in all, and no complications with the procedure. I was only slightly sore for the following 2 days, but no other side effects. I was expecting to feel some tiredness, but I have been fine. On day 3, I went for a walk of about 1 mile. Day 4, I walked 2 miles. Day 5, I went for a swim. Feeling absolutely fine, I walked over 6 miles on day 6. On day 7 I went to the gym and had a light workout, also jogged for a bit. I’m now on day 10, and today I ran 2 miles on our athletic track, also had a light workout in the gym! Other good news is that I’m having no trouble with the water works. 

Im expecting that when the radiation from the seeds starts, things will change. I understand this could be starting from weeks 2 - 4. I’m hoping these next 3 months will be ok, fingers crossed and any advice from you guys always appreciated. 

Just one other thought... I was surprised that I do not have to see a consultant until 3 months time, when I have a psa test. I have read that some go back for a scan to check the seeds are in same position as when implanted... is that normal practice? 

best wishes to one and all!

  • Hi

    I can't help with your question about whether it's normal practice not to see a consultant for 3 months but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. By replying to you it will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list where hopefully it'll be seen by someone who can help.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you very much, Latchbrook, very kind and thoughtful of you to do that.

    When I saw that my post had disappeared, I was thinking the same, that no one will respond now. I’m thinking that different NHS areas have different procedures, but that’s just my guess. My brachy was carried out at the Royal Surrey at Guildford. 

    All the best to everyone here....

  • If you don't get any replies from the other members of this group you could post your question in the ask a nurse section of the online community and one of the specialist nurses will reply within 3 working days.

    All the best x

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Good advice and I will do, thanks again latchbrook!

  • Hi my brother had brachy nearly 2 years ago.  Pretty sure he had a check up at 3 months but he is in South Africa so it is private healthcare so can't compare the two.

    It is likely that where possible check up times are lengthening so that fewer people are visiting hospitals/surgeries in person during these covid times. If you have any worries you should contact your consultants secretary so that she can pass them on to your consultant to answer.  Just be aware that in these Covid times it is likely that the secretaries are working shorter hours and/or weeks so you may find you have to ring a few times before they answer you or you may find that another secretary will answer and have to leave a message - if you don't receive an answer within a week I would call again.

    Hope everything goes well for you.  My brother had no problems at all apart from unusual patterns of urination for about 3 weeks.  He went to his GP and was prescribed various tablets and is fine now.