12 days post operation Catheter out.

  • 4 replies
  • 112 subscribers

I had my catheter removed today. Started performing my Kegal exercises again. At present, if I keep sitting and do not move I do not leak, as soon as I stand I get a few drops of urine. It's early days yet. The catheter was starting to cause me some concern, it was alright in the morning but very sore in the afternoon, it's gone now, fantastic.

I have been reading the various blogs and information concerning the drinking of coffee, 12 days on and I have not had a coffee, my question to the group is: is it coffee with caffeine in it that exasperates the incontinence issue, or does de-cafe have similar effects.

  • Hi . I'm not from this group, but from the bladder cancer group, so lots of experience with catheters and bladder problems. It has always been drummed in to us to avoid coffee and strong tea. Coffee is an irritant to the bladder and also a diuretic, and causes the feeling of needing to go all the time. Plenty of water is recommended following catheter removal. Keep an eye on your temperature as catheters are know to cause infections. If unsure, drop a sample off at your GP. Some pharmacies also do free tests. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi . It’s still early days.  Keep up with the exercises, drink plenty, I avoided coffee but drank plenty of green tea. Took nearly 6/7 weeks post op, I had my catheter in for 3 weeks, went into work one day and had forgotten a pad, discovered I was fine. Take it easy and good luck, things have changed the op removed a valve so we’re now more reliant on just one and pelvic floor

  • I think you'll find it's caffeine and tannin which are the bladder irritants. Try decaff coffee and see how you get on. I drank no coffee at all for over two years and gradually started again about 8 months ago, but only in the morning. Otherwise, I only drink Rooibos Earl Grey & Twinings Turmeric & Star Anise infusion. There's no caffeine or tannin in either of those.

    Good luck with your recovery.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Hi. My hubby loves his coffee and he switched to decaf which to his surprise he doesn't mind and better still doesn't irritate his bladder but he does find that one pint of beer occasionally is enough and now drinks lots of no added sugar squash as he despises water.

    Good luck with your recovery. 

    As a couple we are on this journey together. There is no I in team.