Prostate cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 108 subscribers

I have not been on here for a couple of weeks my husband has been in hospital as he couldn't move, walk etc he was and still very weak he didn't have the strength to help me lift him, he has been home now for 4 days however things havent improved, I got him a walking frame but hasn't really helped that much, but now he is not eating at all, the last thing he had to eat was Thursday am and it was only a couple of spoonfuls, he is drinking very little, sleeps alot, he hasn't got the engery or the inkling to get washed etc, I stuckling, I feel as if I am just sitting here waiting for the end. Do I ask to get him in hospice which he wont be happy with.

  • Have you got any help with carers or MacMillan nurse calling at the house?  You should be able to get some help.  Ask your GP or your Cancer Centre or nearest MacMillan centre - there is probably one at your cancer Centre to help you arrange it.  If it is what both you and he want then he should be able to stay at home with help from carers.

    All the best I will be keeping you in my thoughts and hope everything goes as you would both want them to go.

    God Bless you.


  • So sorry to read your current situation. As Des has said you should be able to get at home help. My father-in-law had hospice at home care when he was really ill. Thinking about you both.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    Thank you  both, I will look into that. All the best.