psa rising fast

  • 11 replies
  • 108 subscribers

My dad PSA is rising fast 132 to 214 in 2 months, Just spoke to oncologist meeting her 19th May. Im so scared what if she says there's nothing more we can do. I can't go through it again i did with mum. It's all that plays in my mind being told that's it. He as had chemo now on prostrap injections and Zytiga tablets with steroids. It is in various bones and lymph nodes and spine. He had radiotherapy on spine. Please is there more treatments left will he be offered any, i can't cope, i can't handle this again.


  • Hi JA 

    Try looking on cancer research UK website under clinical trials. Perhaps there is a new treatment that he could try, possibly immunotherapy.

    Has to be worth a go, let us know how u get on 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    There seems to be many options, but i know the answer the oncologist will give, she will have a list of why he can't have this can't do that and it's not suitable. to be honest they don't care they can't their life will be impossible to live if they cared. they just go through the motions your just a number to them, i understand why. i have found 11 other options she (oncologist) will have a reason why he can't have any of them guaranteed. don't get me wrong the nurses everyone else is fantastic, but the one's with the power don't care.

  • If u don't get on with the oncologist it may be time to change hospitals if u can

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    is that possible?, so far she as made 4 mistakes, latest was his starting psa of 10,000 she says it was 1000 she's wrong, 2nd she spelt his name wrong could lead to making a mistake with someone else, 3rd she refused him a scan we wanted to know what the tumors were doing, we got a straight NO he doesn't need it (after 18 months). 4th another incorrect reading of psa, she said it was 800 odd wrong i looked at her computer it was 740ish. Before covid i lost so much faith in her i was looking over her shoulder at computer screen and picking out her errors. I honestly think i know more than her. That's just the mistakes i have noticed, this is my dads life were talking about so yes im fairly pissed at her, When mum past away same hospital within 5 minutes we was asked to leave so they could take her away, my reply was that's my mum fcuk off im staying until im ready, if taht was your mum would you want to her that i said!. Another case with mum was how i was told, no compassion just straight up "is there anyone you can call she's dying, i said how long they said hours" no taken to a side room about 5 foot from mum in front of entire ward. But it was her face i'll never forget didn't give a shit! just a bit of meat to them and this time it was a nurse. My uncle same place pancreatic cancer, he messed himself 56 year old, he asked a DOCTOR (i was there) have i shit myself Doctor NO walked of i had to check he did the doc didn't give a shit. This time any crap i get as long it's a man i'll knock him out, they will need security fast. This is all true, see why im scared, and all this crap "they passed peacefully" NO THEY FCUKING DON'T, Mum blood coming out of mouth gasping for air, the rest in fcuking serious pain until their last breath. I have to watch my dad now go through the same. Sorry for the huge rant but seriously bad day, basically told treatments stopped working come in 19th of May. Then what the old sorry there's nothing more we can do, bollocks i have found 11 more options one of them must be suitable, but i bet a million he will be refused all treatments for some bollocks reason, im not sorry for the bad words this is life it's how i express myself.

    Thanks for your time my good man.

  • Yes it is possible, hopefully u get on well with the GP, u can ask him to send  your dad to a different hospital, no need to tell the existing hospital, I changed twice because I wasn't happy with things. 

    Contact GP as soon as possible.

    Good luck let us know.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    Thanks, is it quick and easy? obviously time is the enemy.

  • GP just has to make a referral to the hospital and then it's up to the hospital to make u an appointment.

    Does the GP know about the problems u r currently having with the specialist?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    No dad won't complain he's not the type. But each day now he's slowing down getting worse. 

  • I think that u probably need to contact the  GP yourself  and explain the situation.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Grundo

    my worry is time, we have an appointment 19th may with oncologist, if we change now we may not get an appointment before it's too late, im worried he won't get through the next two months.