Husband PSA levels risen

  • 2 replies
  • 109 subscribers
  • I have just joined this forum as don’t know where else to turn. 

  • my husband was diagnosed with metastatic grade 4 prostrate cancer with a psa reading of 880. The cancer had already spread to his pelvis, hips, chest, spine and lymph nodes. Urgent radiotherapy followed then 6 rounds of chemotherapy and steroids. He was put on hormone injections every 3 weeks and his PSA dropped to 0.01 then rose to 0.4. We were told today that his PSA is now 46.7 so obviously the hormone treatment isn’t working any more. He has also developed an aggravating cough. He is being sent for a bone scan and a CT scan then another blood test. We know it doesn’t look good but wondered if anyone has gone through similar and what their prognosis is with further treatment. Thank you 
  • Hi

    No idea when he was diagnosed? I’am just the same as your husband except my PSA was 893, so we’re nearly the same and with treatment. Has he been offered arbiraterrone or Enzalutamide? Plus there are others like radium 223 to name a few of the top ones. 
    Has he ever suffered from acid reflux or asthma? I used to get a cough lasted for months on end, was put down to acid reflux with asthma, so after various treatments they found a cure of sorts not had the cough back since. May be nothing to do with what I just mentioned, but worth asking the question.

    Take care hope it gets sorted I’am nearly five years on from my diagnosis.


  • Hi my husband was diagnosed about 18 months ago. His mobility now is quite poor and energy levels low. 

    thanks for your recommendations for these medications. We will definitely be speaking to our consultant about these to see if they are suitable for him. 

    The best of luck with your journey. I hope everything works out. Stay safe