hello again,, long time no see

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  • 109 subscribers

Good evening every one and i hope your all as well and safe as can be.

just a update on my journey. 

diagnosed sep 2018

radical prostatectomy in jan 2019 with some issues with infection .

catheter out and too a while to stop leaking ,

Ed an issue pump and 100mg viagra   .

blood tests every few months and no issues , thought all was ok ,,,

only to get a call in may 2020 to say psa results over last 15 months showed scores , 

i was speachless and to be honest broken , my father passed away in feb 2018 after fighting 17 yrs with the same , his came back a few times .

pec scan showed it in lymph nodes and prostate bed , 

was put on hormone therapy injections and radiotherapy last year .

3 injections hopefully out of 4 done .

feb 18 results from everything. 

sorry can't remember any scores as last 2 years been a blur .

stay safe and staystrong! 


  • Hi Iain

    I'm sorry to read that you've had to have more treatment after it was discovered that your prostate cancer had returned last year. I can fully understand how worried you might be as your father sadly passed away from the same cancer only a couple of years ago. However, treatments are advancing all the time and your cancer may be under control for a lot longer yet!

    I'll be keeping everything crossed for good results for you on the 18th Fingers crossed


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