Botox in Bladder

  • 6 replies
  • 109 subscribers

Hi all, I hope everyone is as good as they can be.

I'm not prostate, but I am bladder, but I suspect I may get better answers from here than the BC forum. 

Had chemo and radio instead of radical cystectomy. reacted badly to the radiation, major cystitis, bladder shrinkage and incontinence. I barely have a life due to frequency of going, and it certainly is not of quality.

Radiotherapy isn't usually used for BC, but I elected to have it, as I was still relatively young - 44, so asking the questions on BC forums have given me no luck.

I had a consultation with my urologist about a salvage cystectomy. It's exactly the same as radical cystectomy, but unlike RC, it's not a first line treatment - more last resort. He's trying me on some new meds to stop the urination urge, but 5 weeks on, I'm feeling little to no effect.

I have an appointment with him next Wednesday, whereby I have to make a final decision - but, he put a fly in the ointment on my last appointment by saying that I'm an ideal candidate for Botox in the bladder - the same Botox that's used for facelifts. 

I know it's a long shot, but anyone here had Botox in the bladder? If so, did it work? 

Thanks :) 

  • I haven’t had Botox, hopefully someone who has will come along. I can understand why he is suggesting it. I am on solifenacin to moderate bladder spasms after salvage radiotherapy. It helps me out,

    best wishes,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4

    I'm on that and betmiga, but it's not really doing much. 

  • I was offered this many years ago - over 20 years ago now when they were researching its use.  I declined because at that time it meant a general anaesthetic every 6 months - I react badly to General anaesthetics and as they didn't really know whether this would work for my bladder problems or not it seemed silly to go ahead.  After my 9 months of Hormone Treatment and Radiotherapy for PCa back in 2017 I saw my urologist to ask about going on this again.  Obviously my bladder problem has not changed and didn't really get that much worse with the PCa or through treatment and after treatment.  I still get up 3 or 5 times a night - no medication seems to work.  At present I am on Betmiga and Vesomni which is a combined solefinacin and tamsulosin tablet.  If I were you I would try the botox treatment.  My urologist  now uses a local anaesthetic and does not necessarily need to inject every 6 months my urologist found that sometimes once a year was enough.  The only thing that put me off having it was that after long term treatment some men of my age found that they couldn't use their bladder and had to be permanently catheterised.  At my age I decided not to bother if I were younger I would probably go for it.  You need to read all you can about this.  There is a bladder and bowel association and I used to get their magazine - I think they have lost me since I moved house so it may be worth looking up their website if they have one.  There also may be a forum on the Health Unlocked website for bladder problems where you may find someone who has had this.

  • There is a Bladder Health UK Forum on the Health Unlocked website might be a good idea to ask a question on there.

    All the best

  • The Association is now called Bladder and Bowel UK -   BBUK you may get information from there too.

  • - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.