Muscle spasms in back

  • 4 replies
  • 112 subscribers

P is now getting painful muscle spasms in his back and round his ribs. They seem to relate to the stomach problems, in that they often follow on from a build-up of wind. He has a gastroscopy tomorrow, which I hope will tell us more. His calcium is also slightly up. I'm getting to my wit's end with all this - I can't stand seeing him in pain and neither of us is getting enough sleep. He sees the GP on Tues....should these symptoms be reported to the specialist nurse? P seems reluctant to do so - I'm scared it could relate to spinal cord compression, and don't know what to do for the best.

  • Hi  speak to your specialist nurse, they can always tell you not to worry

  • He sees the GP on Tues....should these symptoms be reported to the specialist nurse? 

    I'd definitely tell them both; they may well be nothing to worry about, conceivably they are important.

    Either way, the team need to know - and so do you.

    - - -


    If I can't beat this, I'm going for the draw.

    Meanwhile, my priority is to live while I have the option.

  • Always report everything - it could be nothing but it will put your mind at rest.

  • Hi 

    I relate to your P, I have two blown vertebrae and painful but I get by, the cramps are not great especially at bed time, keeping fit is a devil as exercise strains the muscles.

    My wife is like you, for over four years she has watched how my pain has been indifferent and how I have watched the strain it has put on her. Without you ladies backing us, it would be a nightmare. We might suffer but you ladies are the heroes suffering as much as we do. 
    This disease affects everyone, trouble is a lot do not see the hurt people like you go through. I’ve had a gastroscopy tell him to have the anesthetic.

    take care.
